Re: (...) (dlugie)

Autor: Jacek D. (
Data: Sun 31 Dec 2000 - 18:23:00 MET

> > Hackerow policja sciga za wlamania do systemow komputerowych i sciga,
> > lapie, a sad skazuje.
> A jesli nie jestem hackerem i sie wlamalem, to mnie nie beda scigac?;P
 Jak sie wlamales to jestes hackerem.
a czy ktos bedzie cie scigac to sie pytaj scihgajacych.

> Jesli na przyklad to moj pierwszy dzien z komputerem i wlasnie sprawdzalem
> program, ktory podeslal mi kolega? A moze taka osoba to hacker?

Ty mowisz o swoim kompie.
A hackerstwo to wlamywanie sie do innych systemow komputerowych, nie
swojego peceta.

> Nie odpowiedziales na pytanie o zaklad - czy jestes gotow zalozyc sie o
> to, ze (jak sugerowales) zadeklarowanie, iz jest sie HACKEREM (uzycie tego
> slowa) przy ubieganiu sie o wize np. USA oznacza, iz zostaniemy wyrzuceni
> za drzwi przez konsula? Pytam smiertelnie powaznie.

No przeciez napisalem ze tak.
Zaraz napisze do Department of State w Waszyngtonie z prosba o
 odpowiedz moze przyjdzie, ale dopiero za tydzien.
> A moze ty po prostu nie rozumiesz slowa mitoman?;>

mam slownik.
w znaczeniu fantazjowania nt. swojej osoby.

Czyli gdy mowisz ze jestes hacker a hackerem nie jestes,
jakkolwiek mozesz soba prezentowac nawet wyzszy poziom wiedzy,
niz 100 prawdziwych hackerow razem wzietych.
Nazywanie siebie hackerem oznacza pokonanie wyzszego stopnia
czyli rodzaj religijnego objawienia
ze juz jestes blizej prawdy objawionej niz zwyykli informatycy
ktorzy nie przeszli etapu wtajemniczenia.

To cos podobnego gdybym powiedzial ze jestem rajdowcem, bo dobrze i
szybko jezdze
a rajdy ogladam w telewizji.

Dlatego nie obrazaj sie nigdy na to co pisze, bo to nie jest osobiste.
Mozesz mnie nazywac mitomanem rajdowcem ;)
> Wiec pytam - czy przyjmiesz zaklad? O przekonanie?
yes yes yes
juz odpisalem 3 razy.

> Prosze o liste podrecznikow lub innych autorytatywnych zrodel, ktore
> DEFINIUJA znaczenie slowa hacker (nie mylic z przypadkiem, gdy dokument
> ogranicza znaczenie tego slowa czyniac to w sposob jawny, np. piszac
> "hacking w znaczeniu wlamywania sie").

Na szczescie wyszukiwarka yahoo czy Altavista dziala bezosobowo.

1. The news media is filled with examples of intrusions into government
and private sector
      computer networks. Politically motivated hackers have been
attacking numerous U.S.
      Government websites, including the Senate's. Deputy Secretary of
Defense John Hamre
      reported in February that DoD is "detecting 80 to 100 [potential
hacking] events daily."

2. E-commerce has become so important that firms,
      including Sedgwick Group PLC (in cooperation with IBM), Lloyds of
London, and
      Network Risk Management Services, are now offering "hacker

3. In addition, during the recent conflict in Yugoslavia, hackers
sympathetic to
      Serbia electronically "ping" attacked NATO web servers. And
Russian as well as other
      individuals supporting the Serbs attacked websites in NATO
countries, including the
      United States, using virus-infected e-mail and hacking attempts.

4. In a case dubbed "the Cuckoo's Egg,"
      between 1986 and 1989 a ring of West German hackers penetrated
numerous military,
      scientific, and industry computers in the United States, Western
Europe, and Japan,
      stealing passwords, programs, and other information which they
sold to the Soviet

5. "Recreational" Hackers

      Virtually every day we see a report about "recreational hackers,"
or "crackers," who
      crack into networks for the thrill of the challenge or for
bragging rights in the hacker
      community. While remote cracking once required a fair amount of
skill or computer
      knowledge, the recreational hacker can now download attack scripts
and protocols from
      the World Wide Web and launch them against victim sites. Thus
while attack tools
      have become more sophisticated, they have also become easier to

      These types of hacks are very numerous and may appear on their
face to be benign.
      But they can have serious consequences. A well-known example of
this involved a
      juvenile who hacked into the NYNEX (now Bell Atlantic) telephone
system that serviced
      the Worcester, Massachusetts area using his personal computer and
modem. The
      hacker shut down telephone service to 600 customers in the local

7. Because he was a juvenile, however, the
      hacker was sentenced to only two years probation and 250 hours of
community service,
      and was forced to forfeit the computer equipment used to hack into
the phone system
      and reimburse the phone company for $5,000. This case demonstrated
that an attack
      against our critical communications hubs can have cascading
effects on several
      infrastructures. In this case, transportation, emergency services,
      telecommunications were disrupted. It also showed that widespread
disruption could be
      caused by a single person from his or her home computer.

8.Hackers. Hackers (or "crackers") are also a common threat. They
sometimes crack
      into networks simply for the thrill of the challenge or for
bragging rights in the hacker
      community. Recently, however, we have seen more cases of hacking
for illicit financial
      gain or other malicious purposes.

9. In April, Patrick Gregory, the co-founder of the hacker group known
as "Global Hell,"
      was convicted of a single count of conspiracy to commit
telecommunications wire fraud
      and computer hacking in Texas U.S. District Court. He currently
awaits sentencing.

10. These tools essentially work as follows:
      hackers gain unauthorized access to a computer system(s) and place
software code
      on it that renders that system a "master" (or a "handler"). The
hackers also intrude into
      other networks and place malicious code which makes those systems
into agents
      (also known as "zombies" or "daemons" or "slaves").

11.As discussed above, a critical factor in the investigation of
computer hacking cases is
      law enforcement's ability to swiftly identify the source and the
direction of a hacker's

     Texas hacker pleads guilty to 7 charges of unlawfully obtaining
access to computers
     belonging to the U.S. Postal Service, the State of Texas, the
Canadian Department
     of Defence and the private sector (December 6, 2000)

     Hacker Pleads Guilty in New York City to Hacking into Two NASA Jet
     Lab Computers Located in Pasadena, California (December 1, 2000)

Orange County Man in Federal Custoday for Hacking into Government
     (September 21, 2000)

  "Global Hell" Hacker Sentenced to 26 Months Imprisonment (September 6,

Three Kazak Men Arrested in London for Hacking into Bloomberg L.P.'s
     System (August 14, 2000)

"Darkside Hacker" Sentenced to 21 Months in Prison (July 24, 2000)

Hacker Group Leader Arrested for Breaking into NASA Computers (July 12,

Second "Global Hell" Hacker Pleads Guilty; Patrick Gregory Faces up to
     Years in Prison for Conspiracy to Commit Telecommunications Fraud
and Computer
     Hacking (April 12, 2000)

   Chad Davis, "Global Hell" Hacker, Sentenced to Six Months in Prison,
     Years Probation, for Air Force Network Hacks (March 1, 2000)

     "Web Bandit" Sentenced to 15 Months Imprisonment, 3 Years of
     Release, for Hacking USIA, NATO, Web Sites (November 19, 1999)

"Phone Masters" Ringleaders Sentenced to Prison; 41-Month and Two-Year
     to be Served by Telecommunications Hackers (September 16, 1999)

Kevin Mitnick Sentenced to Nearly Four Years in Prison; Computer Hacker
     Ordered to Pay Restitution to Victim Companies Whose Systems Were
     Compromised (August 9, 1999)

Juvenile Computer Hacker Cuts off FAA Tower At Regional Airport -- First
     Charges Brought Against a Juvenile for Computer Crime (March 18,

moge dalej przepisac i 1000 cytatow, ktore pochodza z publicznego
Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwosci DOJ.

Czy nadal uwazasz, e hacker dostanie wize do Stanow ?

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