Re: RAID softwareowy a pseudo-hardwerowy - jakie(s) roznice w wydajnosci?

Autor: CookieMonster <>
Data: Fri 20 Oct 2006 - 19:33:03 MET DST
Message-ID: <1983oxzk4ek44$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-2"

Dnia Fri, 20 Oct 2006 17:30:49 +0200, ::-:: dysmorfofob ::-:: napisał(a):

> Czy faktycznie nic nie trace na wydajnosci decydujac sie na rozwiazanie
> softwareowe oferowane np. w Linuksie (rezygnjac z tego software`u, ktory
> zaszyty jest w kontrolerze)?

Chyba nie tracisz, a wrecz zyskujesz.

"For a high performance server, choose MD RAID. If you want to create a
total RAID 1 system (mirror disks) where boot partition also resides on a
RAID 1 partition, choose ATA RAID. Also, if you have other operating
systems on the same computer, choose ATA RAID. There will be more reasons
to install ATA RAID, if and when installing it becomes simpler in the
future. Whatever RAID you choose, always remember that it is not a
substitute for doing regular backups."

Received on Fri Oct 20 19:35:15 2006

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