Czyli sam nie bardzo wiesz :)
No wlasnie tak sie sklada, ze w przeciwienstwie do Ciebie wiem :).
Sygnatura dysku to jakies tam bajty w pierwszym sektorze dysku.
Zobacz tez cos na temat z usuwania literek napedow w regedit.
Tu masz wszystko o tym (napisane prostym angielskim):
In addition to the bootstrap code and a partition table, master boot records
may contain a disk signature. This is a 32-bit value that is intended to
identify uniquely the disk medium (as opposed to the disk unit-the two not
necessarily being the same for removable hard disks).
The disk signature was introduced by Windows NT version 3.5, but it is now
used by several operating systems, including the Linux kernel version 2.6
and later. Linux tools can use the NT disk signature to determine which disk
the machine booted from.[28]
Windows NT (and later Microsoft operating systems) uses the disk signature
as an index to all the partitions on any disk ever connected to the computer
under that OS; these signatures are kept in Windows Registry keys, primarily
for storing the persistent mappings between disk partitions and drive
letters. It may also be used in BOOT.INI files (though most do not), to
describe the location of bootable Windows NT (or later) partitions.[29] One
key (among many) where NT disk signatures appear in a Windows 2000/XP
registry is:
Nie lepiej bylo poswiecic czas na wpisanie do googli "disk signature"
zamiast na te infantylne zliosliwosci? :P