Odszkodowanie za szkody wirusa Czernobyl , wincih, cih, win95cih

Autor: Expert (expert_at_friko.onet.pl)
Data: Tue 11 May 1999 - 03:32:56 MET DST

Poniewaz jak pisza, znany jest autor wirusa

to kto chce , moze mnie upowaznic, do zlozenia wspolnego wniosku o
odszkodowanie za udokumentowane szkody wyrzadzone przez ten wirus.


server ledwo dyszy, zatem robie forward informacji:


                  Chernobyl programmer fingered

                  posted 4/29/99

                  The Tatung Institute of Technology in Taiwan announced
that a former
                  student, Chen Ing-Hau, had created the Chernobyl, or
CIH (Chen
                  Ing-Hau), virus last April.

                  For creating the virus, the then-senior received a
demerit, but no expulsion.
                  Ing-Hau warned his fellow students specifically not to
spread the virus, and
                  that's why his punishment was so light.

                  He is now serving standard compulsory 2-year military
service in Taiwan. It
                  is unclear if Chen had anything to do with spreading
the virus.

                  ROB'S OPINION
                  Identifying the creator is the first step in
identifying the person that
                  maliciously spread the virus. You can bet that after
the Melissa virus
                  terrorized the world, lots of countries out there are
looking for payback.
                  Taiwan had better start a large scale investigation
and ferret out the
                  person(s) responsible for this. It only affected
10,000 computers in the US,
                  but that's still a lot. Other countries were hit with
cases of up to 300,000
                  computers being rendered useless.

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 18:30:53 MET DST