Re: ODP: TV-Sat Crack (chcialbym juz zakonczyc ?)

Autor: Tomasz Sokolski (
Data: Fri 17 May 1996 - 10:21:29 MET DST

Slawek Duchnowski wrote:
> On Thu, 16 May 1996 17:27:31 +0200, Tomasz Sokolski
> <> wrote:
> >?????
> >
> >Wyluzuj sie, czlowieku. :)
> >To jest zabawa, a nie dyskusja na forum UN !!!!!
> >
> >> Guess what TOM Sokolski from DSS Ltd copyright infringement is a federal
> >> offence...........
> >^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ??????????????
> >
> >Give ma a break !!!!!
> >Guess what Mr FBI Agent Slawek Duchnowski such mumble is waisting of my time.
> >
> >Rgds
> >TomekS
> >
> jak sie poprawiamy to sie poprawiamy
> >Guess what Mr FBI Agent Slawek Duchnowski such mumble is waisting of my time
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> such mumble "is a waste of my time" albo "is wasting my time" tak jak
> u gory nie zabardzo mi brzmi....
> Co do "OFFENCE" albo "OFFENSE" to zobacz sobie w slowniku
> Pozdrowienia(regards) z NYC, USA
> P.S. Tak to juz jest: napisac OPEN CLOSED albo LTD TOM i Regards
> to kazdy potrafi a znajdz kogos na ulicy w Polsce kto mowi po
> angielsku to juz o wiele wiele gorzej...........

(- ciach-)

Czesc ,

1. moje ^^^^^^^^ nie oznaczalo wskazania bledu ( tego w postingach sie nie robi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), tylko
podkreslenie trescsi, na ktora odpowiadam.

2. nie bede zlosliwy i nie bede poprawial Twoich bledow w jez. polskim.

3. Tom jest znacznie latwiesze do zapamietania i czytania niz Tomasz ( a jako zaawansowany :)) businessman z
USA masz za pewne pelna swiadoamosc, ze jest to jeden z wazniejszych czynnikow pozwalajacych na nawiazanie
rozsadnych kontaktow businessowych )
 ( A' propos czy Ty mieszkajac w NY USA !!! nazywasz sie SLAWOMIR !!!??)

4. Przeczytaj dokladnie cala dyskusje a dojdziesz do wniosku, ze nie notyczy ona praw autorskich, a zupelnie
czegos innego. ( Nawiasem mowiac nie wiem czemu tak sie zainteresowales ta dyskusja ( chyba,ze lubisz popisac
sobie na dowolne tematy ) ... jesli mieszkasz w USA to kwestia SKY zupelnie Cie nie dotyczy, w zasadzie czy Ty
wiesz o czym my rozmawiamy ???)

5. Ciekaw jestem jakby sobie biedni turysci "banki" robijali odrzwi ( gdziekolwiek ), gdyby na nich napisac
OTWARTE i ZAMKNIETE. Milo mi,ze nalezysz do grona ludzi, ktorzy uwazaja, ze " jak te gupie amerykany czy inne
angliki chcom do Polski przyjezdzac, to niech sie polskiego nauczom !!! ( nieomal cytat z Pawlako-podbnych )

6. Mysle, ze latwiej znalezc Polaka mowiacego po angielsku niz Amerykanina mowiacego w jakimkolwiek innym niz
angielski ( amerykanski ) jezyku. W zasadzie rownie trodno byloby zanlezc Amerykanina, ktory wiedzialby jak
nazywa sie np. stolica Francji czy UK , nie wspominajac juz o tak zawilych wiadomosciach jak np. kto to byl

Jesli Jestes zaiste tak zbulwersowany problemem """pirackiego""" dekodowania SKY, to zapraszam do skierowania
poczty do firm i ludzi , ktorzy sie tym zajmuja ( oni na prewno chetnie podyskutuja n/t praw autorskich :)))

tam znajdziesz np to :

2.1 Is it legal ?

The cynical answer would be that it is only illegal if you get caught. The legal position on
hacking varies from country to country. Basically a good rule is that a channel being uplinked
from a particular country is probably going to be protected by that country's laws. For
example hacking BSkyB in the United Kingdom is illegal under that country's laws. However
hacking FilmNet in the UK may not be directly protected under the UK's law. TV1000 on
the other hand is partially uplinked from the UK and is therefore protected under UK law
even though the pornography transmitted on the channel would not be permitted to be
uplinked from the UK. A rather sly sidestep gets around this issue - the hardcore
pornography is not uplinked from the UK.

In fact, TV1000 has threatened UK dealers with legal action many times but with few results.
The problem of piracy on TV1000 in the UK has got to such a state that taking legal action
against one or two dealers would not have any greater effect.

Europe is still a multi-copyright area. It is therefore possible for BSkyB and FilmNet to
purchase the rights to show the same film. Perhaps in the future, the copyright issue will be
worked out and we will have a single copyright area for Europe, but for now we have to
cope with the current mess.

To date most of the prosecutions for piracy in the UK have been against people who have
been too visible. It is not economically viable for a channel to prosecute every user of a pirate
smart card. Instead they will generally concentrate on dealers and distributors.

Of course they may also decide to make an example of an individual pirate card user. The
logic of the legal departments of channels is not as predictable as that of their engineering

If you get caught you are unlikely to be able to plead any clever excuse that you may come
up with. More importantly, could you afford the expensive legal mouthpiece to argue your

The recent European Commission green paper on the legal protection of encrypted services
does indicate that there is a growing movement in the European political world to extend the
legal protection of channels. This has come about through the lobbying of the afflicted
channels who, having been unsuccessful at protecting their services with technology are now
turning to lawyers to protect their channel. This is like using a Band-Aid to to fix a slit jugular

However in real terms, the Blackbox market in Europe may well be forced to go
underground. Some of the proposals covered, such as making the possession of pirate
decoders a criminal offence are clearly stupid and the product of minds ignorant of the
realities of piracy. For any channel it is a battle for hearts and minds and Rather than
criminalising a potential subscriber it would be more logical to offer him the option to
subscribe when caught.

Nie odpisuj mi na temat tego tekstu.
Jesli masz cos przeciwko ... napisz do autora !!!!!!

Serdeczne pozdrowienia od Tomasza Sokólskiego z DSS spólka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia
telefon (+48 58) 526692 do 94 , telefaks (+48 58) 520646
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Lepiej ???? ...............nie mowic :(

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 12:44:03 MET DST