Re: K³opot ze startem Windows

Autor: sTav <>
Data: Fri 07 Jan 2011 - 16:39:28 MET
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-2"; reply-type=original
Message-ID: <4d2733b6$0$2460$>

Lucar wrote:
> W sumie wiec podejrzewam
> uszkodzenie jakiegos waznego sektora, pytanie tylko - jak to
> skutecznie naprawic, nie ryzykujac przy tym utraty danych (tak jak w
> przypadku fixmbr)?

Skopiuj na co¶ (dyskietka, pen, cd-rw, itp) aktualny bootsector.

[27 kB] - Boot Sector Explorer allows you to quickly and easily read and
write to both the boot sectors of your logical drives such as
PhysicalDrive0 and the Master Boot Records (MBRs) of physical drives
such as C:, D: etc. It can even examine drives that aren't hard drives,
including CD-ROMs, DVDs, USB sticks and more.

Some trojans, worms, viruses, rootkits and various other types of
malware have been known to modify these sectors, but Boot Sector
Explorer can be used to keep sector backups, and then be used to write
the backups back in the event of an infection.

Received on Fri Jan 7 16:40:04 2011

To archiwum zosta³o wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.8 : Fri 07 Jan 2011 - 16:42:00 MET