jak odinstalowac directx, niebieskie tlo podczas ogladania filmu

Autor: Dominik <dominikz1983_at_poczta.onet.pl>
Data: Sun 18 Nov 2007 - 22:48:48 MET
Message-ID: <fhqcal$8f$1@nemesis.news.tpi.pl>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-2"; reply-type=original

Wiem że ten temat był dwa miliony razy poruszany, ale wszystkie wskazowki
które były umieszczane u mnie nie pomogly.

Zainstalowalem system xp home, zachcialo mi sie wgrać nowy directx (DirectX
9.0c Runtimes (November 2007). Gdy już wszystko zainstalowalem, zauwazylem
ze gdy odtwarzany jes film jest niebieska obloka, tak jakby ktos nalozyl mi
na ekran niebieska szybke (ale taki efekt jest tylko podczas oglądania

Probowalem odinstalowac ta wersje directX ale nie dalem rady (przywrocenie
systemu mam wylaczone).
1. usunąc z rejestru informacje o wersji zainstalowanego directx i
zainstalowac ktora wczesniej uzywalem - podczas uruchamiania poprawnej
wersji twierdzi ze jest wszystko ok i nie moge zainstalowac
2. probowalem cudownym programem DX9_Uninstal. - uruchomilem w awaryjnym
jako administrator - przy 3 etapie dostalem komunikat z błędem ze instalacja
sie nie powiodla albo coś w tym stylu.
3. zainstaloem jeszcze raz sterowniki do karty graficznej - nic nie pomoglo,
obraz jest ok tylko nie podczas ogladania np. plyty dvd.
4. sprobowalem program dirext eradicator - podczas uruchomienia programu
dostalem komunikat "this version of windows is not supported".

pomysly mi sie juz skonczyly, jesli znacie jakis inny pomysl jak usunac
directx to bardzo prosze o pomoc...chyba ze to nie jest wina directa ze mam
niebieskie tlo podczas ogladania filmu tylko moze nowszych sterownikow karty
graficznej (kiedys instalowalem tylko stare, dopiero teraz nowsze
sciagnalem, ale skoro normalnie obraz jest ok to wykluczam ze sterowniki
karty graficznej sa zle..chyba ze sie myle)

na grupie sąsiedniej win9X
dostalem rade:
Ściągnij i uruchom instalator internetowy DirectX a on pobierze i
zainstaluje wszystkie brakujące pliki.

ale niestety proba ta okazala sie porazką ponieważ:
sciagnalem ten instalator ale pojawil sie kolejny
podczas uruchamiania go dostalem komunikat "Wystąpił wewnętrzny błąd
systemu. Sprawdź plik DXError.log i DirectX.log w folderze Windows, aby
rozpoznać problem."

w pliki DXError.log mam taką treść:
[11/18/07 22:35:00] module: dxupdate(Oct 22 2007), file: dxupdate.cpp, line:
189, function: GetDXVersion
    Failed API: RegQueryValueEx()
    Error: (2) - Nie można odnaleźć określonego pliku.
    Current DirectX may be a older version which does not have the version
value in the registry.
[11/18/07 22:35:00] module: dxupdate(Oct 22 2007), file: dxupdate.cpp, line:
4504, function: DirectXUpdateDownloadPlugIn
    GetDXVersion() failed.
[11/18/07 22:35:01] module: DXWSetup(Oct 22 2007), file: dxupdate.cpp, line:
386, function: DownloadPlugIn
    DirectXUpdateDownloadPlugIn() failed.
[11/18/07 22:35:01] module: DXWSetup(Oct 22 2007), file: psheets.cpp, line:
498, function: PreinstDlgProc
    DownloadPlugIn() failed.

zaś w tym drugim:
troche wiecej danych jest wiec nie bede wszystkiego wklejal tylko ostatnie
1/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: Target file:
 Target Version
 Update Version
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
have been installed.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
[DXUpdate_Apr2006_MDX1_x86] is not being downloaded.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: -----
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: Target file: 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\DirectX
for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectDraw.dll'
 Target Version
 Update Version
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed
Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectDraw.dll have been installed.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
[DXUpdate_Apr2006_MDX1_x86] is not being downloaded.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: -----
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: Target file:
 Target Version
 Update Version
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
have been installed.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
[DXUpdate_Apr2006_MDX1_x86] is not being downloaded.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: -----
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: Target file: 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\DirectX
for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.dll'
 Target Version
 Update Version
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed
Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.dll have been installed.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
[DXUpdate_Apr2006_MDX1_x86] is not being downloaded.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: -----
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: Target file:
 Target Version
 Update Version
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
have been installed.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
[DXUpdate_Apr2006_MDX1_x86] is not being downloaded.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: -----
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: Target file: 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\DirectX
for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay.dll'
 Target Version
 Update Version
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed
Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectPlay.dll have been installed.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
[DXUpdate_Apr2006_MDX1_x86] is not being downloaded.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: -----
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: Target file:
 Target Version
 Update Version
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
have been installed.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
[DXUpdate_Apr2006_MDX1_x86] is not being downloaded.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: -----
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: Target file: 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\DirectX
for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.dll'
 Target Version
 Update Version
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed
Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.dll have been installed.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
[DXUpdate_Apr2006_MDX1_x86] is not being downloaded.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: -----
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: Target file:
 Target Version
 Update Version
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
have been installed.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
[DXUpdate_Apr2006_MDX1_x86] is not being downloaded.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: -----
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: Target file: 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\DirectX
for Managed Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.dll'
 Target Version
 Update Version
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed
Code\1.0.2902.0\Microsoft.DirectX.dll have been installed.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
[DXUpdate_Apr2006_MDX1_x86] is not being downloaded.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: -----
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
have been installed.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
[DXUpdate_Apr2006_MDX1_x86] is not being downloaded.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: -----
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\DirectX for Managed
Code\1.0.2911.0\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll have been installed.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: CheckSectionsForDownloadPlugIn():
[DXUpdate_Apr2006_MDX1_x86] is not being downloaded.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: GetDXVersion(): RegQueryValueEx() failed, error
= 2.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: GetDXVersion(): Current DirectX may be a older
version which does not have the version value in the registry.
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateDownloadPlugIn(): GetDXVersion()
11/18/07 22:37:59: dxupdate: ~CDownloadManager()
11/18/07 22:38:00: DXWSetup: DownloadPlugIn(): DirectXUpdateDownloadPlugIn()
11/18/07 22:38:00: DXWSetup: PreinstDlgProc(): DownloadPlugIn() failed.
11/18/07 22:38:00: DXWSetup: WM_APP_ENDDOWNLOAD
11/18/07 22:38:12: DXWSetup: CDXWSetup::~CDXWSetup()
11/18/07 22:38:13: DXWSetup: CreatePropertySheet() returns -9.
11/18/07 22:38:13: DXWSetup: Deleted file
11/18/07 22:38:14: DXWSetup: Deleted file

skasowalem w rejestrze informacje o wersji directa - to samo....

jeśli ktoś z Was ma jeszcze jakiś pomysł bardzo prosze o pomoc

bardzo prosze o pomoc
Received on Sun Nov 18 22:50:06 2007

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.8 : Sun 18 Nov 2007 - 23:42:03 MET