tpsa nie taka zla.

Autor: Krystian (
Data: Sat 19 Jul 2003 - 11:15:12 MET DST

oto cytat czlowieczka ktory chce od SBC(USA) dostac usluge VDSL, a nei
ich standartowa ADSL:
"Lastly, SBC confusion chart day1 on trying to get the service I
ordered. Congrats to SBC!

     - 4 : Calls I've made to SBC
     - 7 : Number of times I've been transferred (and had to wait on
hold again)
     - 2 : Number of times I've been disconnected
     - 4 : Number of different price structures I've been quoted
     - 3 : Number of people who said to me "Oh.. you're not ADSL?"
     - 2 : Number of times I was told I would get a call-back, and didnt
     - 2 : Number of times I was told that the service I have right now
doesnt exist

I'll give these guys through the week since I really would like to have
that connection, but in the mean time uhm.. yeah the VDSL router is
kinda pretty I guess?"

dodatkowo przyslai mu monter'a z ADSL'em :DDD

na niekrzysc TP przypada to ze nawet takie typki jak SBC oferuja lacze
symetryczne :D.


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