Autor: Marek Pokulniewicz (
Data: Mon 18 Dec 1995 - 09:52:31 MET
Nie jest to co prawda bezposrednio o IP w Polsce ale moze ktos mu pomoze?
Marek Pokulniewicz
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 1995 23:03:45 GMT+2
From: Ervin N/A Fortuzi <>
Subject: Need help.
My name is Ervin Fortuzi. I am an Albanian student, currently studing
at the American University in Bulgaria. I found you E-mail in
Internet. I have an Albanian friend called Petrit Dollani who studies at the Warsaw University but I do not know
his address. I would appreciate it very much if you could find his
addres for me. If you do, please send him my best greetings for the
Thankyou very much, whether you find him or not.
Ervin Fortuzi
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