Re: Cennik NASK a ciekawostka z Kanady

Autor: Wojtek Sylwestrzak (
Data: Mon 04 Dec 1995 - 09:12:42 MET

Jerzy Michal Pawlak ( wrote:

: Bardzo fajnie. Co jakis czas pokazuja sie na tej liscie takie maile jak
: to Kanadzie, USA czy Japonii dobrze, i zeby to tak u nas... Niestety: nie
: jestsmy zadnym z tych krajow i warunki u nas troche jakby inne. Nie tylko
: warunki gospodarczo-techniczno-polityczne (brzydki NASK, brzydka TPSA,
: brzydki Sejm co nam paskudne ustawy uchwala) ale i warunki spoleczne.

Otoz Kanadyjczycy mieli podobny do NASK pomysl kilka tygodni temu
i wycofali sie w ostatniej chwili.

For the second time in a year, Bell Canada backed down in the face of fierce
vocal opposition to increasing phone rates -- this time for Internet users.
Bell has asked federal regulators to create a special new tariff for
Internet service providers, and will meet with ISPs and a mediator to reach
an acceptable tariff schedule. (Montreal Gazette 22 Nov 95 F1) Bell noted
the exploding popularity of the Internet, where computer users can jam lines
for hours, has already caused problems in two British Columbia neighborhoods
where callers were unable to get through to 911. In Metro-Toronto alone,
Bell will spend an additional $31-million to upgrade its network because of
higher computer use. (Toronto Star 23 Nov 95 A1/A3)
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development warns that
Canadians' living standards are threatened because of a failure by industry
to innovate through science and technology, and by relying too much on
low-tech industries. This week, the Ontario government, in its economic
statement, abolished many of the provincial programs that support technology
and export marketing partnerships with industry. (Toronto Star 1 Dec 95 E2)

Daje do myslenia ?
Dlaczego nie potrafimy uczyc sie na bledach innych ?
Skad ktos wygrzebal jakies wzorce akurat z Australii ?


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