Re: [Q] Ftp

Autor: Wojciech Myszka (
Data: Thu 28 Sep 1995 - 08:39:04 MET

On 27 Sep 1995, Krzysztof Gozdziewski pisal:

> napisac cos w rodzaju skryptu dla ncftp. Moze ktos zechcialby podeslac
> lepszy (inny) lub prostszy sposob ?
  Mozna skorzystac z mozliwosci jakie daj plik .netrc. Jest to opisane
  w rozdziale poswieconym ftp w:

  Ponizej skrypcik automatycznie korzystajacy z tej mozliwosci

# @(#) transfer Transfer files via ftp to/from remote host.
# Author: James W. Brown, July 1992.
# Revised: Becca Thomas, July 1992.
$DBG_SH # Place your favorite shell debugging directive here
PATH=$PATH:/usr/etc; export PATH # Add directory containing ping
exit_status=0 # No error condition exit code
lflag="" # Don't use log by default
tdirection=mget # Retrieve file by default
tmode=ascii # Use ASCII representation type by default
LogFile=$HOME/.transfer_log # Log file path
usage_exit() {
cat << EOF >&2
Usage: `basename $0` [-p] [-b] [-l] [-r rem-dir] -h host file...
    -p Put instead of take the file
    -b Use binary instead of ASCII mode
    -l Store messages from ftp in log file
    -r rem-dir Specify remote directory instead of default (.)
    -h host Remote host name
    file... File(s) to be transferred
exit_status=1 ; exit
# Set trap to restore .netrc file:
trap '[ -f $HOME/.netrc% ] &&
    mv $HOME/.netrc% $HOME/.netrc; exit $exit_status' 0 1 2 3 15
# Process command-line options:
if [ "$OPTIND" = 1 ]; then # can use getopts
    while getopts bh:lpr: options; do
        case "$options" in
            b) tmode=binary ;;
            h) host=$OPTARG ;;
            l) lflag=yes ;;
            p) tdirection=mput ;;
            r) remdir=$OPTARG ;;
            \?) usage_exit ;;
    shift `expr $OPTIND - 1` # shift options of the way
else # getopts not available
    while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
        case $1 in
            -b) tmode=binary ; shift ;;
            -h) if [ ! "$2" ]; then
                    echo "-h option requires an argument" >&2
                    host=$2 ; shift ; shift
                fi ;;
            -l) lflag=yes ; shift ;;
            -p) tdirection=mput ; shift ;;
            -r) if [ ! "$2" ]; then
                    echo "-r option requires an argument" >&2
                    remdir=$2 ; shift ; shift
                fi ;;
            --) shift; break ;; # end of option list
            -*) echo "Unrecognized option \"$1\"" >&2
                usage_exit ;;
            *) break ;; # saw first non-option argument
# Check for non-option (file) argument(s):
case $# in
     0) echo "Must specify at least one file argument" >&2
        usage_exit ;;
# Check for remote system name, remote directory:
if [ ! "$host" ]; then
    echo "You must specify a remote host machine." >&2
elif [ ! "$remdir" ]; then # If no remote directory, then
    remdir="." # use current directory
# Echo a packet to see if remote host is reachable:
if /etc/ping $host >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    : # No problem
    echo "$host either down or doesn't exist." >&2 ;
    exit_status=2; exit
# Check .netrc file:
if [ -f $HOME/.netrc ]; then
    hostinfo=`grep $host ${HOME}/.netrc`
    if [ ! "$hostinfo" ]; then
        echo "No $host entry found in $HOME/.netrc, exiting..." >&2
        exit_status=4 ; exit
    mv $HOME/.netrc $HOME/.netrc% # Save original file
    # Create new .netrc that's only accessible by owner:
    touch $HOME/.netrc
    chmod go-rw $HOME/.netrc
    echo "$HOME/.netrc not found, exiting ..." >&2;
    exit_status=3 ; exit
# Put the set-up information into .netrc:
cat << EOF >> $HOME/.netrc
macdef init
cd $remdir
$tdirection $*

# Log transaction in file or on standard output:
if [ "$lflag" ]; then
    date >> $LogFile # note date/time
    ftp $host >> $LogFile # log ftp messages
    ftp $host

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Wed 19 May 2004 - 15:52:48 MET DST