Autor: Michal Kolodziejczyk (
Data: Fri 21 Oct 1994 - 17:37:16 MET
Czesc. Dostalem nie wiem skad (jakis listserwer?) ponizszy list. Chcialbym
tylko zwrocic uwage, ze spelnienie prosby tego kolekcjonera to nie tylko
"oddanie" swojego konta i innych wspoluzytkownikow, ale zapewne konflikt z
przepisami. Cytuje razem z naglowkiem. Swoja droga: czy i jak mozna
sprawdzic, jak do sie do mnie dostalo? Od czasu do czasu dostaje jakies
listy, ktorych nie chcialbym dostawac, a nie wiem, skad przychodza.
Watch your /etc/passwd !
Michal K.
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Subject: Please send me your password file
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Date: Fri, 21 Oct 94 02:35:59 -0500
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Hi! Maybe you can help me out today?! I have a cracking
program called "password hacker" that lets me break password codes
and get into hacked accounts! I have a real shortage of accounts right
now, so if you don't mind please send me your /etc/passwd file so I can
crack it and get accounts.
To do this, type "mail < /etc/passwd" and it
will send me your password file! I promise I won't break into your
account, I just need accounts from other users!
Please don't tell your system administrator because he won't want me
getting accounts off your system! Thank you VERY MUCH.
Michal Kolodziejczyk
Politechnika Gdanska, Gdansk, Poland * University of Saskatchewan, Canada * *
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