"Eneuel Leszek Ciszewski" e34isn$adq$1@achot.icm.edu.pl
> "lisior" e34h7c$kji$1@inews.gazeta.pl
> > Mam następujący problem z nagrywarką LG HL-DT-ST-DVDRAM GSA-41638. Napęd nie
> > odczytuje nagranych przez siebie płyt DVD. Płyty są nagrane dobrze, co
> > sprawdziłem na innych napędach Sytuację na razie zauważyłem na jednej partii
> > płyt. i nie wiem, czy jest to wina nagrywarki, czy nośnika. Czy ktoś spotkał
> > się z takim problemem? Jeśli tak proszę o jakieś wskazówki.
> Ja się spotkałem i nawet chyba o tym pisałem. Toshiba 5372 z płytami DVD-RW.
> Teraz ta nagrywarka:
> -- nie nagrywa na nówce TDK CDRW 16x-24x
> -- nagrywa TDK DVDx8 DVD-R tylko z szybkością DVDx6
> (przy innych ustawieniach potrafi zawiesić się na 24%
> lub 51% -- czyli najwyraźniej wtedy, gdy dochodzi do
> zmiany szybkości lub taktyki nagrywania; procenty mogą
> być lekko chybione, jako że mogą dotyczyć płyty niepełnej,
> gdyż na takiej czyniłem (bolesne) doświadczenia; zazwyczaj
> nagrywam ,,pod korek'' i nie pozostawiam nawet jednego MB
> wolnego miejsca)
> -- nie nagrywa TDK DVD-RW i z trudem nagrywa Sony DWD-RW
> -- potrafi nagrywać płyty, których nie czyta, choć są
> nagrane technicznie poprawnie, co wskazuje DVD Info Pro
> -- miewa różne problemy z płytami DVD-R/RW.
Właśnie teraz kopiuję popsute płyty i nówka TDK CDR:
-- nagrała się z błędami
-- w trakcie nagrywania nagrywarka się zatrzymała
na tak długi czas, iż myślałem, że nie będzie
już tej płyty nagrywać
-- nagrywało się z niską szybkością
I 12:07:34 Source File: I:\i\aaaaaaaaaa.ISO
I 12:07:34 Source File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 12:07:34 Source File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 12:07:34 Source File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 12:07:34 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 12:07:34 Destination Media Type: CD-R
I 12:07:34 Destination Media Sectors: 359 847
I 12:07:34 Write Mode: CD
I 12:07:34 Write Speed: MAX
I 12:07:34 Test Mode: No
I 12:07:35 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 12:07:35 Filling Buffer...
I 12:07:40 Writing LeadIn...
I 12:07:54 Writing Image...
I 12:11:29 Synchronising Cache...
I 12:11:40 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:04:05
I 12:11:40 Average Write Rate: 2 163 KB/s (14.4x) - Maximum Write Rate: 4 058 KB/s (27.1x)
Ale kolejna płyta nagrywa się bez problemów tylko do połowy. :)
I 12:22:11 Write Mode: CD
I 12:22:11 Write Speed: MAX
I 12:22:11 Test Mode: No
I 12:22:11 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 12:22:39 Filling Buffer...
I 12:22:39 Writing LeadIn...
I 12:22:52 Writing Image...
W 12:24:37 Failed to Write Sectors 187808 - 187839 - Nie można wykonać żądania z powodu błędu urządzenia We/Wy.
W 12:24:37 Retrying (1 of 20)...
W tej chwili z płytowych programów, mam otwarte:
-- DVD Decrypter
-- IMB Burn, którym nagrywam
-- Magic ISO
-- Win Image
-- 2x DVD Info Pro
Ponadto i trochę innych. A cały komputer -- to 192 MiB RAMu
i Athlon na slocie z zegarkiem 500 MHz i dwa dyski EIDE ATA/66. :)
Ale program nagrywający blokuje napęd, a szybkość nagrywania
płyt CD jest znikomo mała w zestawieniu z szybkością dysków.
(i bufory są stale pełne) No i priorytet nagrywającego programu
jest stosownie wysoki w zestawieniu z priorytetem reszty. Ponadto
TestMode zawsze przebiega prawidłowo, więc to nie problemy z komputerem,
bo w tym trybie wszystko przebiega tak, jak przy nagrywaniu, ale płyta
nagrywana nie jest, choć ,,się kręci'' -- jak powiedział pewien Giordano
Bruno, palony na stosie.
Oto i log z kręcenia, gdy inne programy są zamknięte:
I 12:56:20 Found 7 DVD-ROMs and 1 DVD-/+RW!
_____________________________________^^^tu poprawiłem
I 12:56:49 Operation Started!
I 12:56:49 Source File: -==/\/[DISCOVERY IMAGE]\/\==-
I 12:56:49 Source File Sectors: 359 847 (MODE1/2048)
I 12:56:49 Source File Size: 736 966 656 bytes
I 12:56:49 Source File Volume Identifier: DISCOVERY_IMAGE
I 12:56:49 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 12:56:49 Destination Media Type: CD-R
I 12:56:49 Destination Media Sectors: 359 847
I 12:56:49 Write Mode: CD
I 12:56:49 Write Speed: MAX
I 12:56:49 Test Mode: Yes
I 12:56:49 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 12:56:49 Filling Buffer...
I 12:56:50 Writing LeadIn...
I 12:57:03 Writing Image...
I 12:59:22 Synchronising Cache...
I 12:59:24 Cycling Tray after Test Write...
I 12:59:31 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:41
I 12:59:31 Average Write Rate: 5 177 KB/s (34.5x) - Maximum Write Rate: 7 270 KB/s (48.5x)
oraz wówczas, gdy są otwarte -- DVD Info Pro
sprawdza płytę z napędu wpiętego w tę samą tasiemkę:
I 13:44:03 ImgBurn Version started!
I 13:44:03 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600)
I 13:44:04 Initialising ElbyCDIO...
I 13:44:04 ELBYCDIO.DLL - Elaborate Bytes CDRTools - ElbyCDIO DLL - Version
I 13:44:04 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 13:44:04 Found 7 DVD-ROMs and 1 DVD-/+RW!
_____________________________________^^^tu poprawiłem
I 13:45:43 Operation Started!
I 13:45:43 Source File: I:\i\aaaaaaaaaa.ISO
I 13:45:43 Source File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 13:45:43 Source File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 13:45:43 Source File Volume Identifier: Corel_Linux
I 13:45:43 Source File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 13:45:43 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 13:45:43 Destination Media Type: CD-R
I 13:45:43 Destination Media Sectors: 359 847
I 13:45:43 Write Mode: CD
I 13:45:43 Write Speed: MAX
I 13:45:43 Test Mode: Yes
I 13:45:43 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 13:45:44 Filling Buffer...
I 13:45:45 Writing LeadIn...
I 13:45:58 Writing Image...
I 13:47:39 Synchronising Cache...
I 13:47:42 Cycling Tray after Test Write...
I 13:47:48 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:05
I 13:47:48 Average Write Rate: 4 630 KB/s (30.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 6 105 KB/s (40.7x)
i log z nagrywania, gdy pracuje tylko IMB Burn:
I 13:44:03 ImgBurn Version started!
I 13:44:03 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600)
I 13:44:04 Initialising ElbyCDIO...
I 13:44:04 ELBYCDIO.DLL - Elaborate Bytes CDRTools - ElbyCDIO DLL - Version
I 13:44:04 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 13:44:04 Found 7 DVD-ROMs and 1 DVD-/+RW!
I 13:45:43 Operation Started!
I 13:45:43 Source File: I:\i\aaaaaaaaaa.ISO
I 13:45:43 Source File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 13:45:43 Source File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 13:45:43 Source File Volume Identifier: Corel_Linux
I 13:45:43 Source File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 13:45:43 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 13:45:43 Destination Media Type: CD-R
I 13:45:43 Destination Media Sectors: 359 847
I 13:45:43 Write Mode: CD
I 13:45:43 Write Speed: MAX
I 13:45:43 Test Mode: Yes
I 13:45:43 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 13:45:44 Filling Buffer...
I 13:45:45 Writing LeadIn...
I 13:45:58 Writing Image...
I 13:47:39 Synchronising Cache...
I 13:47:42 Cycling Tray after Test Write...
I 13:47:48 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:05
I 13:47:48 Average Write Rate: 4 630 KB/s (30.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 6 105 KB/s (40.7x)
I 13:50:29 Operation Started!
I 13:50:29 Source File: I:\i\aaaaaaaaaa.ISO
I 13:50:29 Source File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 13:50:29 Source File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 13:50:29 Source File Volume Identifier: Corel_Linux
I 13:50:29 Source File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 13:50:29 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 13:50:29 Destination Media Type: CD-R
I 13:50:29 Destination Media Sectors: 359 847
I 13:50:29 Write Mode: CD
I 13:50:29 Write Speed: MAX
I 13:50:29 Test Mode: Yes
I 13:50:29 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 13:50:30 Filling Buffer...
I 13:50:32 Writing LeadIn...
I 13:50:45 Writing Image...
I 13:52:25 Synchronising Cache...
I 13:52:28 Cycling Tray after Test Write...
I 13:52:35 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:06
I 13:52:35 Average Write Rate: 4 630 KB/s (30.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 6 123 KB/s (40.8x)
I 13:53:11 Operation Started!
I 13:53:12 Source File: I:\i\aaaaaaaaaa.ISO
I 13:53:12 Source File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 13:53:12 Source File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 13:53:12 Source File Volume Identifier: Corel_Linux
I 13:53:12 Source File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 13:53:12 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 13:53:12 Destination Media Type: CD-R
I 13:53:12 Destination Media Sectors: 359 847
I 13:53:12 Write Mode: CD
I 13:53:12 Write Speed: MAX
I 13:53:12 Test Mode: No
I 13:53:12 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 13:53:12 Filling Buffer...
I 13:53:12 Writing LeadIn...
I 13:53:26 Writing Image...
I 13:55:25 Synchronising Cache...
I 13:55:29 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:17
I 13:55:29 Average Write Rate: 3 923 KB/s (26.2x) - Maximum Write Rate: 6 118 KB/s (40.8x)
I 13:55:29 Cycling Tray before Verify...
W 13:55:37 Waiting for device to become ready...
I 13:55:49 Device Ready!
I 13:55:49 Operation Started!
I 13:55:49 Source Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 13:55:49 Source Media Type: CD-ROM
I 13:55:49 Image File: I:\i\aaaaaaaaaa.ISO
I 13:55:49 Image File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 13:55:49 Image File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 13:55:49 Image File Volume Identifier: Corel_Linux
I 13:55:50 Image File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 13:55:50 Verifying Sectors...
I 14:01:35 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:45
I 14:01:35 Average Verify Rate: 1 342 KB/s (8.9x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 5 452 KB/s (36.3x)
W międzyczasie musialem ręcznie popychać sprawdzanie/veryfikowanie, gdyż
zatrzymywało się i raportowany był jakiś błąd, co odbiło się na szybkości.
Nadal pracował tylko program nagrywający. Teraz veryfikuje raz jeszcze, ale
przy uruchomionym OE. Oto log z veryfikacji, a przed nim prze przepisane
ręcznie wrażenia ;) z veryfikowania:
I/O Error
Interpretation: Read CD - Sector 175904
Reason: Nie można wykonać żądania z powodu błędu urządzenia We/Wy
Interpretation: Read CD - Sector 204663
Interpretation: Read CD - Sector 227071
Interpretation: Read CD - Sector 227071
Interpretation: Read CD - Sector 227072
Interpretation: Read CD - Sector 231321
I 14:01:35 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:05:45
I 14:01:35 Average Verify Rate: 1 342 KB/s (8.9x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 5 452 KB/s (36.3x)
I 14:05:24 Operation Started!
I 14:05:25 Source Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 14:05:25 Source Media Type: CD-ROM
I 14:05:25 Image File: I:\i\aaaaaaaaaa.ISO
I 14:05:25 Image File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 14:05:25 Image File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 14:05:25 Image File Volume Identifier: Corel_Linux
I 14:05:25 Image File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 14:05:25 Verifying Sectors...
I 14:12:13 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:06:48
I 14:12:14 Average Verify Rate: 1 134 KB/s (7.6x) - Maximum Verify Rate: 5 377 KB/s (35.8x)
DVD Info Pro pokazuje trzy czerwone błędy.
I jest to pierwsza płyta, z czterech, która sie w ogóle nagrała.
Wszystkie były z tej samej serii, TDK CDx52, wszystkie nowe, nieporysowane, bez kurzu itd...
LBA 000376ff
W czytniku Toshiby wygląda to jeszcze gorzej:
nie chce mi się tego przepisywać, a chyba automagicznie tego uczynić nie można...
Płyta TDK z innejserii:
I 14:36:05 Cycling Tray after Test Write...
I 14:36:12 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:02:06
I 14:36:12 Average Write Rate: 4 630 KB/s (30.9x) - Maximum Write Rate: 6 082 KB/s (40.5x)
I 14:36:40 Operation Started!
I 14:36:40 Source File: I:\i\aaaaaaaaaa.ISO
I 14:36:40 Source File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 14:36:40 Source File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 14:36:40 Source File Volume Identifier: Corel_Linux
I 14:36:40 Source File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 14:36:40 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 14:36:40 Destination Media Type: CD-R
I 14:36:40 Destination Media Sectors: 359 847
I 14:36:40 Write Mode: CD
I 14:36:40 Write Speed: MAX
I 14:36:40 Test Mode: No
I 14:36:40 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 14:36:40 Filling Buffer...
I 14:36:42 Writing LeadIn...
I niestety tu jest koniec...
I 14:40:33 Abort Request Acknowledged
Log z Decryptera:
I 14:44:23 Initialising SPTI...
I 14:44:23 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 14:44:33 Found 7 DVD-ROMs and 1 DVD-/+RW!
I 14:45:02 Operation Started!
I 14:45:02 Source File: I:\i\aaaaaaaaaa.ISO
I 14:45:02 Source File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 14:45:02 Source File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 14:45:02 Source File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 14:45:02 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 14:45:02 Destination Media Type: CD-R
I 14:45:02 Destination Media Sectors: 359 847
I 14:45:02 Write Mode: CD
I 14:45:02 Write Speed: MAX
I 14:45:02 Test Mode: No
I 14:45:02 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 14:45:03 Filling Buffer...
I 14:45:05 Writing LeadIn...
I 14:45:54 Abort Request Acknowledged
CloneCD nagrał 7 %, po czym się zatrzymał. :)
I raczej żal mi płyt na te eksperymenty, bo to była płyta z ładnej serii.
Teraz CDRW, która była wielokrotnie nagrywana i którą można skasować,
ale kilka programów próbowało ją nagrać -- bezskutecznie. Trochę logów:
I 15:37:19 ImgBurn Version started!
I 15:37:19 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600)
I 15:37:19 Initialising ElbyCDIO...
I 15:37:19 ELBYCDIO.DLL - Elaborate Bytes CDRTools - ElbyCDIO DLL - Version
I 15:37:19 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 15:37:19 Found 7 DVD-ROMs and 1 DVD-/+RW!
I 15:37:33 Operation Started!
I 15:37:33 Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 15:37:33 Media Type: CD-RW
I 15:37:33 Quick Erase: Yes
I 15:37:33 Erasing Disc...
W 15:37:36 Potential 'WaitImmediateIO' Deferred Error - Write Error
I 15:38:17 Operation Started!
I 15:38:17 Source File: I:\i\aaaaaaaaaa.ISO
I 15:38:17 Source File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:38:17 Source File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 15:38:17 Source File Volume Identifier: Corel_Linux
I 15:38:17 Source File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 15:38:17 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 15:38:17 Destination Media Type: CD-RW
I 15:38:17 Destination Media Sectors: 359 847
I 15:38:17 Write Mode: CD
I 15:38:17 Write Speed: MAX
I 15:38:17 Test Mode: Yes
I 15:38:17 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 15:38:17 Filling Buffer...
I 15:38:19 Writing LeadIn...
E 15:38:39 Failed to Write Sectors 4294967146 - 4294967177 - Cannot Write Medium - Incompatible Format
I 15:38:39 Writing Image...
I 15:38:39 Synchronising Cache...
I 15:38:40 Cycling Tray after Test Write...
E 15:38:44 Failed to Write Image!
E 15:38:45 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:27
I 15:38:45 Average Write Rate: N/A - Maximum Write Rate: N/A
I 15:39:13 Operation Started!
I 15:39:13 Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 15:39:13 Media Type: CD-RW
I 15:39:13 Quick Erase: Yes
I 15:39:13 Erasing Disc...
W 15:39:20 Potential 'WaitImmediateIO' Deferred Error - Write Error
I 15:40:29 DVD Decrypter Version started!
I 15:40:29 Microsoft Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600)
I 15:40:29 Initialising SPTI...
I 15:40:29 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 15:41:10 Found 7 DVD-ROMs and 1 DVD-/+RW!
I 15:41:30 Operation Started!
I 15:41:30 Source File: I:\i\bbbbbbbbbb.ISO
I 15:41:30 Source File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:41:30 Source File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 15:41:30 Source File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 15:41:30 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 15:41:30 Destination Media Type: CD-RW
I 15:41:30 Destination Media Sectors: 359 847
I 15:41:30 Write Mode: CD
I 15:41:30 Write Speed: 6x
I 15:41:30 Test Mode: No
I 15:41:31 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 15:41:31 Filling Buffer...
I 15:41:36 Writing LeadIn...
E 15:41:54 Failed to Write Sectors 4294967146 - 4294967177 - Cannot Write Medium - Incompatible Format
I 15:41:54 Synchronising Cache...
E 15:41:54 Failed to Write Image!
E 15:41:54 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:24
I 15:41:54 Average Write Rate: N/A - Maximum Write Rate: N/A
W 15:44:44 I/O Interface has been changed!
I 15:44:44 Shutting down SPTI...
I 15:44:44 Initialising Patin-Couffin...
I 15:44:44 Patin-Couffin - VSO Software - Version - Internal Revision 34
I 15:44:44 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 15:44:44 Found 7 DVD-ROMs and 1 DVD-/+RW!
I 15:44:46 Operation Started!
I 15:44:46 Source File: I:\i\bbbbbbbbbb.ISO
I 15:44:46 Source File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:44:46 Source File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 15:44:46 Source File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 15:44:46 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 15:44:46 Destination Media Type: CD-RW
I 15:44:46 Destination Media Sectors: 359 847
I 15:44:46 Write Mode: CD
I 15:44:46 Write Speed: 6x
I 15:44:46 Test Mode: No
I 15:44:46 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 15:45:36 Filling Buffer...
I 15:45:40 Writing LeadIn...
E 15:45:47 Failed to Write Sectors 4294967146 - 4294967177 - Cannot Write Medium - Incompatible Format
I 15:45:47 Synchronising Cache...
E 15:45:47 Failed to Write Image!
E 15:45:47 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:01:01
I 15:45:47 Average Write Rate: N/A - Maximum Write Rate: N/A
W 15:45:56 I/O Interface has been changed!
I 15:45:56 Shutting down Patin-Couffin...
I 15:45:56 Initialising ElbyCDIO...
I 15:45:56 ELBYCDIO.DLL - Elaborate Bytes CDRTools - ElbyCDIO DLL - Version
I 15:45:56 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 15:45:56 Found 7 DVD-ROMs and 1 DVD-/+RW!
I 15:45:57 Operation Started!
I 15:45:57 Source File: I:\i\bbbbbbbbbb.ISO
I 15:45:57 Source File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:45:57 Source File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 15:45:57 Source File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 15:45:58 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 15:45:58 Destination Media Type: CD-RW
I 15:45:58 Destination Media Sectors: 359 847
I 15:45:58 Write Mode: CD
I 15:45:58 Write Speed: 6x
I 15:45:58 Test Mode: No
I 15:45:58 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 15:45:58 Filling Buffer...
I 15:45:59 Writing LeadIn...
E 15:46:01 Failed to Write Sectors 4294967146 - 4294967177 - Cannot Write Medium - Incompatible Format
I 15:46:01 Synchronising Cache...
E 15:46:01 Failed to Write Image!
E 15:46:01 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:03
I 15:46:01 Average Write Rate: N/A - Maximum Write Rate: N/A
W 15:46:09 I/O Interface has been changed!
I 15:46:09 Shutting down ElbyCDIO...
I 15:46:10 Initialising SPTI...
I 15:46:10 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 15:46:10 Found 7 DVD-ROMs and 1 DVD-/+RW!
I 15:46:11 Operation Started!
I 15:46:11 Source File: I:\i\bbbbbbbbbb.ISO
I 15:46:11 Source File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:46:11 Source File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 15:46:11 Source File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 15:46:11 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 15:46:11 Destination Media Type: CD-RW
I 15:46:11 Destination Media Sectors: 359 847
I 15:46:11 Write Mode: CD
I 15:46:11 Write Speed: 6x
I 15:46:11 Test Mode: No
I 15:46:11 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 15:46:11 Filling Buffer...
I 15:46:11 Writing LeadIn...
E 15:46:13 Failed to Write Sectors 4294967146 - 4294967177 - Cannot Write Medium - Incompatible Format
I 15:46:13 Synchronising Cache...
E 15:46:13 Failed to Write Image!
E 15:46:13 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:02
I 15:46:13 Average Write Rate: N/A - Maximum Write Rate: N/A
W 15:46:24 I/O Interface has been changed!
I 15:46:24 Shutting down SPTI...
I 15:46:24 Initialising ASAPI...
E 15:46:24 Unable to initialise ASAPI! - ASAPI.DLL
E 15:46:24 Reason: Nie można odnaleźć określonego modułu.
E 15:46:24 You need to install an ASAPI manager.
E 15:46:24 Visit http://www.dvddecrypter.com to download one.
E 15:46:24 Alternatively, try changing the 'I/O Interface' in the Settings to a different one.
W 15:46:43 I/O Interface has been changed!
I 15:46:43 Shutting down ASAPI...
I 15:46:43 Initialising ASPI...
I 15:46:43 WNASPI32.DLL - Adaptec's ASPI Layer - ASPI for Win32 (95/NT) DLL - Version
I 15:46:43 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 15:46:44 Found 7 DVD-ROMs and 1 DVD-/+RW!
I 15:46:45 Operation Started!
I 15:46:45 Source File: I:\i\bbbbbbbbbb.ISO
I 15:46:45 Source File Sectors: 231 512 (MODE1/2048)
I 15:46:45 Source File Size: 474 136 576 bytes
I 15:46:45 Source File Application Identifier: MKISOFS ISO 9660 FILESYSTEM BUILDER & CDRECORD CD-R/DVD CREATOR
I 15:46:45 Destination Device: [2:0:0] TOSHIBA CD/DVDW SD-R5372 TU55 (S:) (ATA)
I 15:46:45 Destination Media Type: CD-RW
I 15:46:45 Destination Media Sectors: 359 847
I 15:46:45 Write Mode: CD
I 15:46:45 Write Speed: 6x
I 15:46:45 Test Mode: No
I 15:46:45 BURN-Proof: Enabled
I 15:46:45 Filling Buffer...
I 15:46:46 Writing LeadIn...
E 15:46:50 Failed to Write Sectors 4294967146 - 4294967177 - Cannot Write Medium - Incompatible Format
I 15:46:50 Synchronising Cache...
E 15:46:50 Failed to Write Image!
E 15:46:50 Operation Failed! - Duration: 00:00:05
I 15:46:50 Average Write Rate: N/A - Maximum Write Rate: N/A
W 15:47:02 I/O Interface has been changed!
I 15:47:02 Shutting down ASPI...
I 15:47:03 Initialising SPTI...
I 15:47:03 Searching for SCSI / ATAPI devices...
I 15:47:03 Found 7 DVD-ROMs and 1 DVD-/+RW!
Innymi słowy -- teraz i na CDRW nie mogę nagrać.
I problem stale (od momentu zakupu) leży w 'Incompatible Format'
nagrywanej lub tylko co nagranej płyty.
E. :)
Received on Mon May 1 15:55:05 2006
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.8 : Mon 01 May 2006 - 16:51:01 MET DST