Jakosc wydrukow Lexmarka?

Autor: toomyem_at_poczta.onet.pl
Data: Thu 31 Oct 2002 - 12:49:39 MET

Znalazelem taki oto review Lexmarka Z45 na CNET'cie: (wykrzykniki sa moje)

"In its haste to leave the printer, unfortunately, the output's quality
suffered. Our test photo, for instance, showed visible banding and reddish skin
tones. (...)"

No spoko, nie jest to drukarka z najwyzszej polki. Moge to wybaczyc.

"(...) Text output was a bit better, showing up crisp and black on plain paper,
in spite of some fuzziness and misalignment of characters. We were disappointed
with the Z45's text on Lexmark inkjet paper, though. The misalignment was gone,
but the characters exhibited shadows and appeared slightly frayed around the
edges (...)"

Czy faktycznie jest tak wiec kiepsko z tekstem? Ma te 1200 dpi i literek prosto
nie potrafi wydrukowac? Jakies postrzepienia? Co to ma byc? Moze ktos to
potwierdzic albo zdementowac?

"(...) Plain-paper graphics, at least, were excellent, with great color
matching, plus smooth gradients and shading. On inkjet paper, however, graphics
looked so bright that they were nearly fluorescent, photos became pixelated,
and black areas showed a red undertone."

No niezle jezeli chodzi o grafike na zwyklym papierze. Na specjalnym juz gorzej
ale i tak tego pewnie nie bede wykorzystywac.

Biorac pod uwage latwosc napelniania kardridzy (czy tak jest faktycznie to nie
wiec - wyczytalem to na newsach) to chyba bym sie zdecydowal na ta drukarke.
Ale ten tekst? Faktycznie jest kiepsko?


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