Autor: Marek (
Data: Wed 27 Sep 2000 - 22:06:58 MET DST

"Artur Domagala" <> wrote in message
> *** PLONK ***
> Ja odpalilem - fajne
> Nic sie nie dzieje
> zadnej dodatkowej aktywnosci
> podczas uruchamiania wykozystuje kilka dll -i ale ich nie modyfikuje
> i czego ta lama tu spamuje taki chlam ?

moze nie wiedzial? dla zainteresowanych i "niewiedzacych" zalaczam wycinek z
help dla "innoculateIT"

A hoax is a message, typically distributed via email or newsgroups, that is
written to deliberately spread fear, uncertainty and doubt. Hoaxes prey on
the lack of technical knowledge and goodwill of all those that receive a
hoax. Generally, hoaxes are warnings about threats to your computer that do
not actually exist.
A common characteristic of a hoax is that it asks you to forward the warning
on to as many people as possible. This is how the hoax "spreads" itself. If
you receive any form of message that asks you to forward it on to others,
you should check out the accuracy of the message before forwarding it on to
anyone else, otherwise you may help perpetuate a hoax.

How can you check a message for accuracy?
See and select the
`Hoaxes' link.

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 20:39:47 MET DST