Re: Jak zgrac RealAudio Stream(ing) ?

Autor: Michał Blicharz (
Data: Wed 01 Sep 1999 - 09:01:55 MET DST

King Crimson <> wrote in message
> W ostatecznosci mozna jeszcze polaczyc wyjscie karty dzwiekowej z jej
> wejsciem i nagrywac jednoczesnie w trakcie odtwarzania. O ile sie
> orientuje, karta musi w tym celu byc full duplex.

Jest taki programik - Virtual Audio Cable.
Robi to co samo ale bez laczenia wyjscia i wejscia na karcie.
Zeby nie zafalszowac tlumaczenia dolaczam krótki opis w oryginale:

Virtual Audio Cable allows you to interconnect the input and output
of your audio programs... Audio played to "Out" of the cable by one
program is digitally transferred to the "In" and can be recorded by
another program in realtime. This is very useful for programs which
dont have an internal 'record to wav file' functions. Features :
Up to 64 virtual cables, almost any sound format (sample rate, size
and channels), unlimited number of clients connected to each port,
Sound mixing between clients at output port, and an audio repeater
application that transfers from any Wave In to any Wave Out device.

Jesli ktos jest zainteresowany to moge podeslac.

Michal Blicharz

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 18:58:04 MET DST