Bomba mailowa czyli Sezon Ogorkowy rozpoczety!

Autor: Edwin Wierszelis (
Data: Mon 16 Jun 1997 - 09:08:17 MET DST

In article <01bc78b6$856faa00$>, "Jarek
Palka" <> wrote:
>> > Otwarcie tej wiadomosci spowodowalo calkowite skasowanie twardego
>> dysku.
>> > Jezeli dostaniesz taka poczte to OD RAZU JA USUN i POD ZADNYM
>> > JEJ NIE OTWIERAJ. To nowy wirus e-mailowy. Przekazcie komu mozecie.
>Czy to traktować poważnie ? Możecie się ustosunkować do tego ?

Jak zauwazylem, temat powraca regularnie co dwa lata. Chyba zostane
kolekcjonerem takich listow. Jest to typowa kpina skonstruowana tak, aby
ludzie w dobrej wierze udowadniali innym swa naiwnosc.

Ponizej 2 przyklady takich listow: jeden tegoroczny i drugi sprzed dwoch lat:

1. List z Chipdir-L (1997.04)


To all people with an e-mailaccount:

I'd like to warn everybody ! Today I got very interesting and alarming
information about virusses on the Internet. Please follow the guidelines
down below and send everybody you know this e-mail.

1. If you get an e-mail with a subjectline of "GOOD TIMES", or anything
similar, do NOT read it. Note the sender and delete the e-mail
IMMEDIATLY. Do NOT download it!
This e-mail contains a virus, which automatically installs itself onto
your harddrive and formats it. This virus comes from an America Online
user and is unsurpassed in its destructive energy! The trick to this
virus is the fact that it doesn't need a download of a program, to
infect a computer. It is transmitted through the e-mailsystem of the
Internet. When a PC is infected, the probable thinhs to happen are:
- when the PC has a harddrive, it will be deleted.
- when you don't stop the virus at that time, it will start destructing
your processor with an "n-th complexity infinite binary loop" (it will
'melt' the processor when left running to long).

To avoid the "GOOD TIMES" virus, you'll have to make sure NOT to read
any e-mails with a subjectline containing anything like "GOOD TIMES". If
you do read the e-mail, the virus will load automattically in the ASCII
buffer of your e-mailclient. The virus is very intelligent: it will find
every e-mail adress on your computer and send all these adresses a copy
of the virus. After sending the copys, the virus destroys the computer.

2. The same things apply to the subjectline "DEEYENDA" !!!!!!!!!!!

3. A new Trojan horse virus has been discovered. It is a file called
"PKZIP300.ZIP", which is NOT a simple update of the popular PkZIP
program. Do NOT download this program. This virus formats the harddrive
and destroys any modem with a speed of 14k4 or more. This is an
extremely dangerous virus. There is, until now, no anti-virus software
which is able to remove it.

Please send this e-mail to all your friends, because: better receive it
10 times as not at all.
It's the only way to stop it from spreading. Feel free to translate this
into ANY language.


2. List z sieci Fido (1995.05)


 * Originally from Mick Coleman on 90:103/0
 * Originally to ALL
 * Forwarded by Jakub Klawiter on 2:481/6.14, 08 May 95 19:48:00

This note came off the Fido Network and there has been some talk of it being a
hoax message, but even so DO NOT TAKE CHANCES.....Delete it.



FYI: This message came from in from NASA!

Forwarded from : Williams, Jim (Nasa)



   There is a new computer virus being sent across the internet. If you
   recieve an Email message with the subject line "GOOD TIMES" --
    Please read the message below.

   Some miscreant is sending Email under the title "good times"
   nation-wide. If you get anything like this, DON'T DOWNLOAD
   THE FILE OR READ IT! It has a virus that rewrites your hard disk(s),
   obliterating anything on it. Please be careful and forward this mail
   to anyone you care about -- I have.

WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!: INTERNET VIRUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The FCC released a warning last Wednesday concerning a matter of major
importance to any regular user of the InterNet. Apparently, a new
computer virus has been engineered by a user of America Online that
is unparalleled in its destructive capability. Other, more well-known
viruses such as Stoned, Airwolf, and Michaelangelo pale in compareson
to the prospects of this newest creation by a warped mentality.

What makes this virus so terrifying, said the FCC, is the fact that no
program needs to be exchanged for a new computer to be infected. If
can be spread through the Existing Email Systems of the Internet
(and FIDONET TECHNOLOGIES). Once a computer is infected, one of
several things can happen. If the computer contains a hard drive
(or more), that will most likely be destroyed.
If the program is not stopped, the computer's processor will be placed
in an NTH-Complexity infinite binary loop - novice computer users will
not realize what is happening until it is far too late.

Luckily, there is one sure means of detecting what is known as the
"GOOD TIMES" virus. It always travels to new computers the same way
in a text Email message with the subject line reading simply

Avoiding infection is easy once the file has been received -- by not
reading it. The act of loading the file into memory and or the mail
server's ASCII buffer causes the "GOOD TIMES" mainline program to
initalize and execute. The program is highly intelligent -- it will
send copies of itself to everyone whose Email address is contained
in a received-mail file or a sent-mail file, if it can find one.

It will then proceeed to trash the computer it is running on
(including the hard drives)

The bottom line here is -- if you receive a file with the subject
line "GOOD TIMES", Delete it immediately! Do not read it! Rest
assured that whoever's name was on the "FROM:" like wad surely
struck by the virus.

Warn your friends and local system users of this newest threat to
the InterNet (and FidoNet Style Mail Systems)

It could save them a lot of time and money !!!

   This was forwarded from a NASA Textfile.

   SERIOUS -- READ IT AND PASS IT ALONG ------ ****************
   ********* StarBase 515 BBS Systems -- 707-769-1624 *********
   Via 1:161/199_at_FidoNet.ORG@19950426.225453 FrontDoor 2.12.REG

   I'm sorry if this is off topic -- But it very urgent that every user read
this immedieately -- this virus has already infected some FIDONET SYSTEMS!

             James Boyer, SysOp, StarBase 515 BBS.

-!- TIDY_UP 1.31 a553
 # Origin: The Magic Castle,Birmingham,0121-430-3761 (90:103/0)


Jak widac, autorow kolejnych wersji nie stac na oryginalnosc, choc za "n-th
complexity infinite binary loop" niszczaca procesor, przyznalbym jakas drobna
nagrode w kategorii Low Budget Science Fiction.

Pozdrowienia, EdWin

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 16:09:44 MET DST