Re: Produkty Microsoft'u

Autor: Ryszard Glab (
Data: Sat 18 Jan 1997 - 06:04:13 MET

In article <>, (Grzegorz Bodaszewski) wrote:

>A propos: mam problem z programem w Clipperze 5.0 Nie pamietam
>wszystkich ustawien 'SET CLIPPER', a bydle uruchamia sobie
>swapa na dysku sieciowym, zamiast na lokalnym. Kto pamieta,
>jak to sie robi ?

  Ponizej zalaczam tekst z Norton Guide do Clippera 5.x. Dodam tylko
ze zamiast uzywac SET CLIPPER mozna wszystkie parametry przekazywac w
lini polecen (ale _musza_ byc dwa /) np:
applikacja //INFO //F:80

     Environment Variable:


SWAPK:<nBytes> specifies the maximum allowable size of the disk
swap file used for the virtual memory (VM) system. Settings are
specified in KB increments. Valid settings range from 256 to 65,535,
inclusive. If this setting is not specified, the default is 16,384
(16 MB).

Note: Swap space is only allocated as needed--a particular setting
does not guarantee that the swap file will get that big. Suppressing
or restricting disk swapping may cause an application to fail.

SWAPPATH:'<path>' specifies the location of the virtual memory swap
file. If not specified, the swap file is created in the current DOS
drive and directory.

TEMPPATH:'<path>' controls the placement of temporary files created
during sorting and indexing. By default these files are placed in
the current DOS directory or in the directory specified by the SET TMP
environment variable, if it is defined.

Note: Temporary files created during sorting and indexing can be quite
large. Setting TEMPPATH to a small volume (for example, a ram disk)
may cause these operations to fail. In general, the volume where
these temporary files will be written should have an available
capacity at least twice the size of the largest index to be created or
database file to be sorted.

Warsaw, Poland

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