Re: S3 pod OS/2 WARP

Autor: Marcin Debowski (
Data: Fri 12 Apr 1996 - 09:32:09 MET DST

Marcin Debowski ( wrote:
: Czy to cecha chip'a czy driverow ? Moze sa jakies mniej pamieciozerne ?
: I w ogole to czemu tak wlasnie jest ... z tego co mowi kaleki user's
: guide nie wszystkie karty maja takie wymagania.

pogrzebalem w archiwach s3 i znalazlem takie czesciowe wyjasnienie :
(End User FAQ)

                Why do the S3 Windows drivers support
                more color depths than the S3 OS/2
                drivers on the same hardware?

                There are two reasons why a color depth/resolution combination
                might be supported in Windows and other operating systems, but
                unsupported in OS/2 with the S3 driver.

                  1.The Windows and OS/2 drivers both need some off-screen
                    memory for caching fonts, etc. However, the OS/2 driver
                    needs some off-screen memory for both the Presentation
                    Manager and Win-OS/2. This additional display memory
                    overhead prevents some color/resolution combinations from
                    being displayed unless you have more video memory.

i dodatkowo

                  2.The S3 OS/2 driver does not currently support 24-bits per
                    pixel for 16.7 million color (true-color) modes. For 16.7M
                    colors, the OS/2 drivers use 32-bits per pixel only. In
                    true-color mode, each pixel only requires 24 bits, so 8 bits are
                    unused for each pixel when using 32-bit color modes. This
                    prevents 640x480 at 16.7M colors from being displayed on
                    1MB video hardware and 1280x1024 at 16.7M colors from
                    being displayed with 4MB. In contrast, the S3 Windows
                    drivers support both 32-bit and 24-bit color modes.

co nie wyjasnia czemu inne chipy moga


                                                              Marcin Debowski
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>

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