Niewyrazne kolory w plikach formatu JPG

Autor: Tomasz Skrzydlo (
Data: Tue 12 Dec 1995 - 17:40:32 MET

Mam taki problem: nie wiem dlaczego pliki typu JPG sa o wiele gorszej
jakosci od plikow w formacie GIF, gdy korzystam z popularnej przegladarki
Wybralem opcje pomniejszenia obrazu do wielkosci ekranu - w
formacie GIF zdjecia sa naprawde ladne, a w formacie JPG jakosc kolorow
jest marna. Co moze byc tego powodem? Czy powodem jest zle ustawienie w
pliku qpv.ini? (kopie mojego pliku qpv.ini zamieszczam ponizej), czy tez
jakas inna przyczyna?

Dlaczego, gdy zainstaluje sterownik VESA znika dostosowanie obrazu do
wielkosci monitora (choc jakosc plikow JPG znacznie sie wtedy poprawia)?

I pytanie ostatnie - czy pliki typu JPG maja zreguly o wiele gorsza jakosc
od plikow GIF? Pytam, dlatego, ze w dniu wczorajszym przegladalem pliki JPG
przy pomocy programu PhotoStyler i mimo, to, ze pliki przegladane tym
programem mialy byc jakosci KODAKA, to nadal grafika byla bardzo zla.

Z gory dziekuje za pomoc


# QPV/386 initialization file
# You may modify this file with any standard ASCII text editor.
# Comments are preceded by '#' (you can also use ';' or '%').
# Options are not case sensitive. Spaces are ignored.
# Each switch is preceded by a comment which explains its meaning.
# Note that some of these settings can also be changed from within
# QPV/386 (press Alt-O to display the options menu).

# Switch "fast preview" initially on/off ('!' key within QPV/386).

# Switch "file information" initially on/off ('*' key within QPV/386).

# Default directory at startup. Specify '.' for current directory.

# Check if the startup directory really exists. It is highly recommended
# to keep this setting 'on', it's only intended for some brain-dead
# operating systems which are not really DOS compatible.

# Only files matching the following filter are displayed in the
# directory listing (separate multiple filters by comma ',').
# The default filter is '*.*', i.e. all files are displayed.
# For example '*.JPG,*.TGA' would display JPEG and Targa files only.

# Exclude the following files from the directory listing (by default none).
# Multiple entries are separated by commas.

# Sort order of the directory listing. Possible sort keys:
# None : don't sort
# Dir : display directories first
# Name : sort by name (including extension), A first, Z last
# Ext : sort by extension only, A first, Z last
# Size : sort by file size (size of directories is 0), smallest first
# Date : sort by file date and time, oldest first
# Each key can be followed by '-' (minus sign) which reverses the order,
# e.g. 'Dir-' displays direcories last, 'Size-' displays the biggest file
# first. Multiple keys (up to five) are separated by ',' (comma).
# More examples:
# 'Dir,Name' : directories first, then sort by names (default)
# 'Ext,Name' : sort by extensions, files with the same extension are
# sorted by names
# 'Dir-,Date-' : directories last, sort by date (newest file first).

# QPV/386 asks for confirmation if you want to delete a file by pressing
# the Del (Delete) key. If you think that you know what you are doing,
# you can switch that confirmation off. If this switch is off, any file
# will be deleted immediately without confirmation, so be careful.

# This is pretty much the same, but it's used while viewing an image.
# I recommend that you leave this switch on.

# QPV/386 asks for confirmation if you want to delete multiple files by
# pressing Shift-Del (delete all tagged files). If you are absolutely
# sure that you know what you are doing, you can switch that confirmation
# off. If this switch is off, all tagged files will be deleted
# immediately without confirmation when you press Shift-Del.
# I STRONGLY recommend that you leave this switch on. Otherwise you
# might lose a lot of files if you accidentally press Shift-Del.

# Use 16 or 256 color mode for user interface (directory listing).
# Only switch on if you are sure that the 640x480x256 mode is working
# correctly with QPV/386.

# QPV/386 automatically creates and updates hidden description files
# (DESCRIPT.ION, compatible with 4DOS/NDOS) to store application specific
# data, thus speeding up the process of getting file information.
# If you don't like that, switch this off. Of course you will still
# be able to create and edit file descriptions (Alt-E).
# `On' is recommended, unless you don't want description files being
# created.

# If your mouse driver is not Microsoft compatible, switch this off.
# That will also disable Follow_Mouse and Pan_Mouse.

# The following lines define the functions of the mouse buttons.
# Each mouse button corresponds to a key on your keyboard.
# These three lines are for the menu/directory screen:
Menu_Mouse_Button_Left =Cursor+Enter # view image
Menu_Mouse_Button_Middle=Shift+Enter # view tagged files
Menu_Mouse_Button_Right =Cursor+Space # tag/untag image
# These three lines are for the image display screen:
View_Mouse_Button_Left =Enter # view next image
View_Mouse_Button_Middle=Esc # stop display / return to menu
View_Mouse_Button_Right =Space # tag/untag image and view next one

# If this option is on, the file cursor (bar) will follow the mouse cursor.
# You can still use the cursor keys. The bar will NOT follow the mouse
# if you place the mouse pointer at the top of the screen.

# You can pan across the image by moving your mouse if this option is on.

# If this is on, the top of the screen will be updated immediately during
# panning, the bottom part will be updated when panning is stopped.
# If it's off, the whole screen is updated at every panning step, which
# may look jerky (depending on the speed of your machine and the
# resolution).

# The step size for panning. A plain number specifies the amount of
# pixels to pan across the image each time a cursor key is pressed.
# A number followed by the letter 'P' (percent) specifies the step size
# depending on the current screen resolution.
# Does not affect panning by mouse.
Pan_Step_X=3p # horizontal step size: 3 percent of screen width
Pan_Step_Y=3p # vertical step size: 3 percent of screen height

# On: View image while it's being loaded
# Off: view image when loading is complete.

# Display image information while it's being loaded:
# None - don't display any information
# Dir - directory
# Name - file name (without extension)
# Ext - file name extension
# Size - file size (in bytes)
# Type - image type
# Dim - image dimensions (Width x Height)

# You can print an image with Alt-P on any PostScript compatible printer.
# Also, you can use Shift-Alt-P to print all tagged images.
# Currently the following drivers are supported:
# PostScript - for any Adobe PostScript compatible printer
# PostScript2 - PostScript level 2 (faster, uses compression)

# Where to output the printer data. Usually LPT1 or PRN if the printer is
# connected to your parallel port. Instead of printing directly to the
# printer, you can also print to a file by specifying a filename. If the
# filename is followed by a plus sign "+", each image will be printed in
# its own file (otherwise the file will be overwritten each time an image
# is printed).
# As a special feature, QPV/386 now contains a high-speed parallel port
# driver. Attention: This is not tested extensively and might not work
# with your printer (in this case, specify LPT1 to select the normal DOS
# driver). The high speed driver is selected by specifying *1 (for LPT1),
# *2 (for LPT2) etc.

# Paper size of your printer. Letter, Legal, Ledger, Executive, Com10,
# Monarch, DL, A0...A9, B0...B9, C0...C9, D0...D9 (each one optionally
# followed by "-L" if the printer prints in landscape mode).
# If none of these predefined sizes fits your need, you can specify
# width and height, separated by a comma. Use "in" for inches or "cm"
# for centimeters. Example: "8.5in,11in" (same as "Letter"),
# "29.7cm,21.0cm" (same as "A4").

# Specify the printable area of the page, i.e. where to print the images.
# Values are relative to the lower left corner of the page if positive,
# and relative to the upper right corner if negative. If four values are
# specified, they are interpreted as left, right, bottom and top margin,
# respectively. Two values are interpreted as horizontal (left/-right)
# and vertical (bottom/-top) margins. A single value specifies the
# margin of all four sides at the same time.
# Example: To print images within 15cm at the upper left corner with
# 1cm margin, specify "1cm,16cm,-1cm,-16cm"

# Rotate images by 90 degrees for printing ("On", "Off" or "Auto").

# Invert images for printing (i.e. swap black and white).

# Currently, two print modes are supported:
# Grey (or Gray): This is for photographic images, and for images that are
# not just black and white.
# Bilevel: only black and white will be printed (no shades of grey);
# this is suitable for simple drawings etc.

# You can call an external program or batch file by assigning it to one
# of the following keys:
# Ctrl-A ... Ctrl-Z
# Ctrl-F1 ... Ctrl-F10.
# Note that Ctrl-H is identical to the backspace key which is used to
# change to the parent directory, and Ctrl-M is identical to the Enter
# key, so you can not assign a program to Ctrl-H or Ctrl-M.
# Also note that Ctrl-I is identical to the Tab key, so if you assign a
# program to Ctrl-I, you will also be able call it with the Tab key.
# I might also do something special with the Tab key in a future version.
# To define an external program call, use the following syntax:
# Control_Key = <key>, <switches>, <program> <parameters>
# <key> is the key which invokes the program if pressed with the Ctrl key.
# You can use any key from A to Z (except H and M) and F1 to F10.
# <switches> (optional, may be omitted) can be one or more of the list
# below. If you specify two or more switches, you need not separate
# them. However, for easier readability, you can use spaces to
# separate them (do not use commas).
# <program> is the program to be called. The extension must be specified
# explicitely, it must be either .EXE, .COM or .BAT. If no path is
# specified, the program is searched for in the current directory,
# QPV's home directory, and any directory of the PATH and APPEND
# environment variables.
# If you want to use one of the internal DOS commands (e.g. DELETE),
# you can either "wrap" it into a .BAT file, or you can use it by
# calling "" with parameters "/c delete".
# <parameters> are the command line parameters for the program, if any.
# A percent sign followed by a single character is replaced according
# to the list below (substitution).
# The following switches can be used:
# T3 Switch to textmode before calling the program. After the program
# has finished, wait for a keypress, and then redraw the QPV/386
# screen. This should be used with programs that print any text on
# the screen that you want to read. T3 is the default if there is
# no T switch.
# T2 Switch to textmode before calling the program, and redraw the
# QPV/386 screen afterwards, but don't wait for a keypress. This
# can be used with programs that leave anything on the screen that
# you don't need to see.
# T1 Don't switch to textmode, but redraw the QPV/386 screen after
# return from the program (without waiting for a keypress). This
# is useful for programs that switch to another mode (text or
# graphics) themselves.
# T0 Don't switch to textmode and don't redraw the screen. This can
# be used if the program does not produce any output on the screen.
# D Reread the directory after return from the program. This might
# be necessary if the program deletes, creates or modifies files in
# the current directory. By default, QPV/386 assumes that the
# directory's contents are the same as before.
# + Automatically go to the next directory entry after return from
# the program. By default, the cursor stays on the current entry.
# The following substitution commands can be used for the parameters:
# %N current filename (bbbbbbbb.eee)
# %B base name (bbbbbbbb)
# %E extension (eee)
# %P full path and filename (r:\dd...dd\bbbbbbbb.eee)
# %D directory (\dd...dd), empty if root directory
# %R drive letter plus colon (r:)
# %% the percent sign itself
# Note that, for example, "%N" is exactly identical to "%B.%E", and
# "%P" is the same as "%R%D\%N". The letters are not case sensitive.
# Note that the hash symbol (#) loses its special meaning as comment sign
# inside a Control_Key definition, so you can not have a comment in such
# a line.

# Here is just an example: Ctrl-P will convert a GIF file to PNG format:
Control_Key=P,t1d+,gif2png.exe %p

# Beep when the image decoding is completed or Esc hit while decoding.

# Beep when an error occured (file format error, I/O error, etc).

# Beep when a warning occured (e.g. delete file).

# Display all images as greyscaled on/off ('$' key within QPV/386).

# Height and colors of the default video mode ('+'/'-' keys within QPV/386).
# For colors you can use '16', '256', '32K', '64K' and '16M'.
# If the desired mode is not available, QPV/386 chooses a mode which
# comes as close as possible.

# Shrink the image to fit to the screen if it's too large.

# Use dithering for hicolor modes:
# on: image quality is like truecolor, but takes 15% more time.
# off: faster, but image quality is worse (not recommended).

# When truecolor images (e.g. JPEG, 24 bit Targa) are to be displayed in
# 256 color modes, QPV/386 can use one of these methods to reduce truecolor
# to 256 colors:
# (A) use fixed palette (very fast, but quality isn't perfect)
# (B) use precalculated palette (much better quality, slightly slower)
# (C) calculate palette (same quality as (B), considerably slower)
# Note that (B) requires the existence of a precalculated palette
# (*.256 file), otherwise the palette has to be calculated in and
# extra pass (C) which isn't currently supported by QPV/386 (however,
# you can create *.256 files used by (B) with the TRUE2GIF utility).
# If this switch is on, (B) is selected, otherwise (A).

# Automatic video mode selection ('#' key within QPV/386).
# on: QPV/386 selects the mode automatically, depending on the image size
# (it ignores the mode selected by the user).
# off: QPV/386 uses the mode which is currently selected by the user.
# ATTENTION: If switched on, QPV/386 may use any of the modes which are
# defined in the configuration file (QPV.CFG). So be sure
# that all of those modes work with your video hardware!
# You have to delete the modes that do not work.

# Specify which modes (number of colors) QPV/386 should take into account
# when automatic mode selection is switched on.
# For truecolor images (e.g. color JPEGs, 24 bit Targa):
# For hicolor images (e.g. 15bit Targas):
# For greyscaled images:
# For color images with up to 256 colors (e.g. 256 color GIFs):
# For images with up to 16 colors:


To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Tue 18 May 2004 - 12:28:17 MET DST