[Fwd: Win NT - zagadka wyjasniona]

Autor: Gregorio Kus (Grego_at_RMnet.IT)
Data: Thu 05 Oct 1995 - 07:33:47 MET

Wciaz dziwilo mnie jakimze to cudem M$ zdolal wyprodukowac
taki naprawde niezly s.o. jak WinNT...

I oto:


> Date: Mon, 2 Oct 1995 17:47:05 GMT0BST
> From: Simon Bowring <SBOWRING_at_MPC-DATA.CO.UK>

> In article <8b1ZwoHpvChd084yn_at_skypoint.com>, rsteiner_at_skypoint.coml says...
> >
> >But it's a very strange thing to have to explain to technically-inclined
> >users who are curious -- that both technical documents I've seen on HPFS
> >to date are from Microsoft.

*MS* write OS/2 1.x and HPFS, who better to write about it?

> As a user of both OS/2 and NT (unix also), I have to say that MS always
> have been much better at supporting their products with good books and
> other types of documentation. For example they have an excellent book
> about the filesystem in NT ("Inside NTFS" by H. Custer) who brings up most
> aspects of it in an interesting way.

If this is really the case, then where is the "Inside HPFS" book by MS

MS "have always":

1. Had lousy support in the UK
2. Announced their products YEARS before they deliver them (IBM
   *must* be made no more than 60 days before availablity!).
3. Made life very difficult for developers, by keeping "inside info"
   secret, and by keeping the DOS/Windows target moving faster than
   else can keep up with.
4. Have only ever had one decent OS (which is NT, initially
architected AND
   written by ex-digital programmers!). Their last good product before
NT was
   MS Basic in the late 70s/early 80s!
5. Indulged in unfair and illegal trading practices. Since the recent
   trust fuss, they have toned down this aspect of there business in
   *US*, but not in Europe.
6. Kept their bug lists secret

But we still love'em apparently!


Simon Bowring

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Gregorio Kus Grego_at_RMnet.it G.Kus_at_agora.stm.it

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