ComputerWorld przyznaje, ze dal plame

Autor: Gregorio Kus (Grego_at_RMnet.IT)
Data: Tue 26 Sep 1995 - 07:01:22 MET

Niewielki przyczynek do toczacych sie dyskusji z cyklu "Win95 versus

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Computerworld's September 11 cover story which compared OS/2 Warp and
Windows 95 was rife with mistakes. In response to complaints from
readers, the magazine's Editor-in-Chief, Bill Laberis, posted the
following retraction on various OS/2 forums:

   We screwed up.

   And that is likely to be the headline on my editorial the week of
   Sept. 18 as I write about the problems and issues swirling around
   our page 1 piece on Sept. 11 comparing OS/2 and Windows 95.

   To put it briefly, we did not adequately follow our own printed
   guidelines for quality assurance in hatching such product
   comparisons. The result was a comparison that had an obvious
   inaccuracy, for starters, about OS/2's support for long file names.
   In addition, because we did not follow our own procedures for
   assurance, we cannot fully stand behind what we printed and need to
   revisit the product comparison anew.

   This is in no way to impugn the individual reviewer, who pretty
   did as he was guided to do by our editors here at Computerworld.
   just plain screwed up, what more can I say?

   We have other procedures and rules in effect here, one of which
   states that we will make prompt and complete correction of errors.
   This we will do starting with my editorial next week. Then the
   of the 25th of September will contain a front page reference to a
   full page of letters from some of the many angry readers who have
   written us about this comparison.

   Finally, and this is most crucial to me, we will make arrangements
   for a new product comparison between Windows 95 and OS/2, to run
   time later this fall once we complete the review - this time in
   accordance with our guidelines and also up to Computerworld


Gregorio Kus

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