> -------------------------- Wiadomość oryginalna --------------------------
> Temat: CFP MICAI-2012, Artificial Intelligence, Springer LNAI, Mexico,
> Oct-Nov 2012
> Od: "MICAI-2012" <micai_at_cic.ipn.mx>
> Data: 30 Marca 2012, 5:02 am, Pt
> Do: "'AI group'" <micai_at_cic.ipn.mx>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MICAI-2012
> 11th Mexican International Conference on ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
> October 27 - November 4, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
> Publication: Springer LNAI
> www.micai.org/2012
> Submission: June 1: abstract, June 15: PDF (see webpage)
> Topics: all areas of Artificial Intelligence, research or applications.
> Keynote: 5 keynote speakers anticipated; more info to be announced.
> Workshops, tutorials. Travel grants for students. Best papers awards.
> Springer LNAI; special issues of journals (anticipated).
> Poster session: IEEE CPS (anticipated).
> San Luis Potosi is a major tourist attraction of Mexico.
> Tours to unique attractions are planned.
> PLEASE CIRCULATE this CFP among your colleagues and students.
> We apologize if you receive multiple copies.
Received on Tue 15 May 2012 - 09:43:44 MET DST
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.2.0 : Tue 15 May 2012 - 10:03:00 MET DST