-------------------------- Wiadomość oryginalna --------------------------
Temat: Test Methods for Composite Materials Seminar (June 26-27th -
Iselin, NJ)
Od: "Josie Delfino" <jdelfino_at_sensorexpert.com>
Data: 19 Kwietnia 2012, 2:02 pm, Cz
Do: "Engineer" <zahubner_at_cyf-kr.edu.pl>
Dear Engineer,
I wanted to inform you of a seminar that will be extremely useful to you
or possibly one of your co-workers. The Test Methods for Composite
Materials Seminar will be held on June 26-27th, 2012 - Iselin, NJ. If
you need further information on pricing &/or how to register please
contact me directly. Also if you have 12 or more people interested in
this seminar from your facility, we can accommodate on-site training for
your team at an affordable price. The details on the course are below:
About the Seminar
Composite materials, whether for use in high performance structures or in
commodity applications, present many unique mechanical testing problems.
Thus, this two-day seminar will be directed toward the proper selection of
a test method for each specific application, from the many methods
currently available. Examples will include properties characterization for
mechanical design, and evaluations of manufacturing quality control.
Although many test methods have been standardized by ASTM, ISO and other
groups, some have not, having been developed as company standards over the
years. Thus, it is important to be able to decide which test to use in a
particular situation, and which composite characteristics are to be
determined. The goal is to understand what needs to be done, and the
required facilities, time, and costs involved in doing so. As will be
demonstrated, mechanical testing can be very time consuming and expensive.
Thus, it is especially important to do it correctly the first time. This
is a particular challenge because of the wide range of test methods often
available and in common use for determining the same composite property.
Tensile, compressive, flexure, shear and fracture toughness test methods
for unidirectional, laminate, random-fiber-reinforced, and sandwich panel
composites will be evaluated. This will include the special problems
involved when making evaluations at temperatures above and below ambient,
and when testing moisture-conditioned specimens. In all cases, proper
specimen preparation techniques and test procedures will be emphasized.
Who Should Attend
This two-day seminar is intended both as an introduction for the novice
and as a refresher for the experienced individual involved in any way with
the design, manufacturing, and testing of composite components. This
involvement may range from being the technician actually performing the
testing, the engineer designing the test matrix and defining the test
procedures, the manager overseeing the work, and the customer who must be
sufficiently knowledgeable to accept or question the test results.
About the Instructor
Dr. Donald F. Adams is the founder and President of Wyoming Test
Fixtures, Inc., a company specializing in the design and fabrication of
mechanical test fixtures for the composite materials community since
1988. He is also Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the
University of Wyoming where he founded and for 27 years was Director of
the Composite Materials Research Group (CMRG). This very active
interdisciplinary group was involved in a broad range of government and
industry programs. Prior to joining the University of Wyoming in 1972,
his industry experience included Northrop Aircraft Corporation,
Hawthorne, California (3 years), the Aeronutronic Division of Ford Motor
Company, Newport Beach, California (4 years), and the Rand Corporation,
Santa Monica, California (5 years). Dr. Adams received a B.S. in
Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois in 1957, an M.S.
in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Southern California in
1960, and a Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics from the
University of Illinois in 1963. He has been involved full-time in
composite materials design, analysis, and testing for over 47 years. Dr.
Adams continues to serve on a number of national committees and review
boards, and has been on the editorial boards of four prominent composite
materials journals. He is very active in the test methods committees of
ASTM and the Composite Materials Handbook CMH-17. He has extensive
consulting experience with industry and government agencies, has
presented many seminars, tutorials and multiple-day short courses both in
the United States and elsewhere, and has published extensively in the
journal literature.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Joseane Delfino
Roller Application Specialist
Sensor Expert Inc.
300 Madison Ave.
Madison, NJ07940
1.973.428.8985 (phone)
1.973.884.1699 (fax)
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Review, or be introduced to, the basic characteristics of composite materials
Become familiar with the many properties of (orthotropic) composite materials
Understand the historical development of composites and their associated
test methods
Appreciate the importance of properly interpreting test data
Understand the roles of corporate, national and international standards
Gain an overall view of the many test methods available
Evaluate specific test methods and compare competing methods
Receive recommendations for the ?best? test method in various applications
Standard Tensile Wedge Grips - Mechanical
Typical Boeing Open-Hole Compression Test Fixture (ASTM D 6484)
Introduction to Composite Materials Testing
Properties of Orthotropic Materials
Available Test Methods and Standards
Tensile Testing
Compression Testing
Flexure Test Methods
Shear Test Methods
Multi-axial and Fracture Toughness Testing
Testing of Fibers, the Matrix, and the Interface
Fatigue, Impact, and Creep Testing
Testing Equipment and Data Reduction
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