> Email: pmoeck@pdx.edu
> Name: Peter Moeck
> Organization: Portland State University
> Title-Subject: [Filtered] opportunity for graduate students
> Question: see http://www.physics.pdx.edu/~pmoeck/research%20group/ for
> Graduate Students ń Department of Physics, Portland State University
> MSc/PhD candidate positions in crystallography/applied physics
> The Nanocrystallography Group at the Department of Physics of Portland
State University is seeking candidates (m/f) for MSc and PhD projects in the
field of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) based nanocrystallography.
The graduate student projects focus on aspects of the development of novel
nanocrystal characterization methods. These methods will utilize a
combination of high-resolution phase contrast imaging in TEM and goniometry
of direct lattice vectors.
> The Nanocrystallography group is a user of Portland State Universityís
electron microscopy center. Occasional travel to and work at the National
Center for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is
anticipated to access some of the most advanced TEM instrumentation in the
country. Summer research at the Technical University Chemnitz, Germany, may
also become part of some projects.
> The ideal candidate has a diploma of BSc. in crystallography, mineralogy,
materials science and engineering, physics, or chemistry, and is interested
in both geometrical-structural crystallography and transmission electron
microscopy. Computer- and experimental skills are essential for the success
of the projects. While some projects will require more experimental skills,
some other projects will require more computer skills (notably JScript,
Java, C++, Perl, PHP).
> Portland State University is with an estimated enrollment of about 30,000
students Oregonís largest and only urban university. Portland/Oregon is the
major city in the so called ěsilicon forestî, i.e. a region where high tech
industries blend in with abundant natural beauty, and has consistently been
ranked in the top ten of ěAmericaís most livable citiesî. Information on
student life in Portland can be found on our departmental web page. The
search will be open until successful candidates have taken up their
respective positions.
> Applications (CV, references, reasons for coming to the USA, papers if
applicable, etc.) should be sent to:
> Prof. Peter Moeck,
> Department of Physics,
> Portland State University,
> P.O. Box 751, Portland, Oregon 97207-0751
> pmoeck@pdx.edu
> http://www.physics.pdx.edu/~pmoeck
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Thu Sep 28 07:33:26 2006
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