PhD position on nanostructured carbon materials at the

Autor: Hubner Krzysztof <>
Data: Fri 29 Sep 2006 - 07:38:00 MET DST
Message-ID: <003901c6e389$6d526960$041d9c95@kh0071>
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> Email:
> Name: enrico Maccallini
> Organization: Department of Physics, University of Calabria, Italy
> Title-Subject: [Filtered] PHD position
> Question: PhD position on nanostructured carbon materials
> at the University of Calabria, Italy
> Applications are invited for a PhD student position in the Research Group
"Surface electronic spectroscopies" (SPES) at the Department of Physics,
University of
> Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, Cosenza, Italy,
(, to begin December 2006.
> The interests of the SPES group are in condensed matter and surface
physics. In those fields the group leads his research in the determination
of the chemical-physical properties of surfaces and solids mainly through
the study of their electronic properties. The determination of the
interaction between light molecules and surfaces and their peculiar
electronic aspects is carried out by electronic spectroscopies.
> Many subjects are developed in the SPES group and, in particular, recently
we focus on the characterization of nanostructured carbon materials for
application in fuel
> cells, biosensors, supports for catalysis etc. The addition of metal
clusters in the carbon matrix will allow a better control of the nano- and
meso-structures and of the overall reactivity.
> The available experimental techniques are the EELS-TEM spectro-microscopy,
SEM-EDS, photoemission spectroscopies (XPS, UPS), Auger spectroscopy,
micro-Raman and UV-VIS-IR spectroscopy. Complementary results on the nano-
and meso-structure can be obtained by TEM and SEM images.
> Finally the water sensitivity of functionalized C-materials will be
investigated analysing the valence and conduction bands (by home-based and
> measurements, respectively) while the morphology changes will be monitored
by SEM microscopy.
> Experience with vacuum system and a basic knowledge of solid state physics
would be an asset for applicants. SPES provides an open and stimulating
atmosphere and many opportunities to interact with other researchers are
provided for by the PhD funds of the Physics Department at the University of
> Interested applicants should contact Prof. Raffaele G. Agostino at, tel. +39 0984 496162 / 496175 or Dr. Enrico
Maccallini at
>, tel +39 0984 496107 / 496175.
Received on Fri Sep 29 07:37:53 2006

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