----- Original Message -----
From: "MTE2006: T.Matsuhisa" <WorkshopMTE@aol.com>
To: "Computational Science Mailing List"
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 4:46 PM
Subject: [computational.science] Reminder: CALL FOR PAPERS - MTE2006 -
Deadline September 30, 2006
> This mail is a reminder of CFP.
> Apologies if you receive this more than once
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Deadline for extended abstract submission: September 30, 2006
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> =================================================================
> KOSEN Workshop MTE2006, December 5-7, 2006
> - First KOSEN Workshop "Mathematics, Technology and Education" -
> Ibaraki National College of Technology, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki, Japan
> ==================================================================
> ++++++++
> The first edition of IBARAKI KOSEN Workshop MTE 2006 will take place on
> December 5-7, 2006 in Hitachinaka-shi, Ibaraki (Japan). The theme is
> "Advancing Science and Society through Mathematical Reasoning", to mark
> several decades of progress in mathematical science theory and practice,
> leading to greatly improved applications science. This workshop will
> be a unique event focusing on recent developments in mathematical
> methods and modelling of complex systems for diverse areas of science,
> scalable scientific algorithms, advanced software tools, advanced
> numerical methods, and formal/novel application areas where the above
> mathematical models, algorithms and tools can be efficiently applied
> such as physical systems, computational and systems
> biology, environmental systems, finance, and others. We look forward to
> welcoming you to this exciting event!
> The local organizer:
> Prof. Takashi Matsuhisa
> Ibaraki National College of Technology
> Hitachinaka, Ibaraki 310-0033, Japan
> E-mail: mte2006@ge.ibaraki-ct.ac.jp
> ++++++++++++++++
> Prestigious plenary speakers are invited to share their views on
> important topics of current concern in the theme of this workshop.
> In this meeting the plenary speakers are
> Prof. Krzysztof Szajowski, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
> Prof. Alexsander Vasin, Moscow State University, Russia
> Prof. Masami Yasuda, Chiba University, Japan
> +++++++++++++++++++
> All areas related to the workshop's theme "Advancing Science and
> Society through Mathematical Reasoning", which include but are not
> limited to:
> * Theoretical Computer Science and Information
> * Mathematical Logic and Formal Language
> * Mathematical Foundation for Modelling in Sciences
> * Mathematics in Economics and Social Science
> * Combinatrics and Discrete Mathematics
> * Industrial Mathematics
> * Information and Networks
> * Intelligent System and its Mathematical Foundation
> * Computational and/or Theoretical Physics
> * Computational and/or Theoretical Chemistry and Medicine
> * Computational and/or Theoretical Biology
> * Computational and/or Theoretical Engineering and Technology
> * Computational and/or Theoretical Finance
> * Education in Mathematical Sciences and Engineering
> Industrial application works, position papers presenting novel ideas,
> issues, challenges and directions and clear-cut expository overview
> papers of the problem under discussion are all welcome.
> ++++++++++++++++++
> Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished manuscripts to
> the local organizer Takashi Matsuhisa <mte2006@ge.ibaraki.ct.ac.jp> by
> e-mail. Full papers are preferable, but extended abstracts are
> acceptable. The manuscripts should be written in A4 size papers in
> English, and these are required to contain short abstracts. The
> extended abstracts exceed 4 pages at least, but the full papers have
> no page limits.
> All submission papers will be rigorously peer reviewed and evaluated on
> the basis of the quality of their contribution, originality, soundness,
> and significance.
> Industrial application works, position papers presenting novel ideas,
> issues, challenges and directions and clear-cut expository overview
> papers of the problem under discussion are all welcome.
> Consequently, papers which might be considered too long for publication
> in journals will be invited. Submit it to Takashi Matsuhisa E-mail:
> mte2006@ge.ibaraki-ct.ac.jp
> Submitted papers will undergo a peer-review process. Final versions of
> accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings. Submission
> implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and
> present the paper.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Mathematics Applied in Science and Technology (MAST) and Advances in
> Mathematical Economics (AME) journals will publish selected papers from
> the workshop. MAST Journal is planning a special issue for selected
> papers from the workshop MTE2006. Papers submitted for publication in
> the special issue in MAST and in AME Journals will go through the same
> peer reviewing process as regular these journals submissions.
> +++++++++++++++
> Submission deadline September 30, 2006
> Notification of acceptance October 30, 2006
> Final papers due November 15, 2006
> Registration form due November 15, 2006
> ++++++
> The workshop will be held at Ibaraki National College of Technology in
> Hitachinaka, Ibaraki. The location of Hitachinaka is in the
> countryside in the 120km northeast of Tokyo. To the south is Mito city
> on one side and Naka River on the other, Ooarai town is towards the east
> facing the Pacific Ocean. Mito city is the prefectural capital of
> Ibaraki prefecture, but is blessed also with many historical sites such
> as "Kairakuen-park" and the Edo period "Kodokan- school", and excellent
> waterworks and greenery. "Kairakuen", built by Lord "Nariaki Tokugawa",
> is one of the three greatest gardens in Japan, and "Kairakuen-park" with
> Senba-lake at its centre boasts the second widest city park in the
> world. Also, "Art Tower Mito" was erected in commemoration of 100 years
> of city status, and is highly praised nationally and internationally for
> its involvement in high quality projects in music, theatrical plays, and
> Art.
> --
> *******************************************************
> The Local Organizer of
> KOSEN Workshop MTE2006
> <Office>
> Department of Natural Sciences
> Ibaraki National College of Technology
> Nakane 866, Hitachinaka-shi
> Ibaraki 312-8508, Japan.
> TEL. 029-271-2865, FAX. 029-271-2857
> E-mail: mte2006@ge.ibaraki-ct.ac.jp
> **********************************************************
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Received on Tue Sep 26 07:26:44 2006
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