Fw: [Microscopy] Post-doctoral fellowship at Onera (France)

Autor: Hubner Krzysztof <hubner_at_iod.krakow.pl>
Data: Mon 25 Sep 2006 - 10:17:56 MET DST
Message-ID: <000401c6e07b$1d2cc3b0$041d9c95@kh0071>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-2"

> Diffusion processes in Mo-Si based alloys
> Research project:
> -----------------------
> Better efficiency and low emissions of the future aircraft engines
> will require very high service temperature
> that the presently used nickel-based single crystal superalloys
> cannot sustain. Refractory metal silicide
> materials based on the Mo-Si system exhibit good properties in a
> temperature range up to 1300°C. A
> current research effort to enhance their oxidation resistance by
> alloying with diverse elements (B, Ti, Nb,
> Ge,…) and by developing alumina coatings. The coatings are complex in
> compositions and involve
> precious metals (Pt, Ru, etc...).
> In this context a deep knowledge of phase diagrams and diffusion
> mechanisms are required in order to
> optimize the different processes.
> The proposed work is included in a global effort to experimentally
> characterize phase diagrams and
> thermodynamical properties. A theoretical research focused at
> modeling the phase diagrams is also
> conducted in parallel.
> The post-doc researcher will be in charge of managing and analyzing
> diffusion couple experiments in order
> to obtain isothermal sections of ternary and quaternary diagrams of
> interest. This work will include
> sophisticated data analysis techniques and characterizations by
> analytical techniques (EPMA, SEM and
> TEM). A fundamental knowledge of diffusion mechanisms in these
> compounds at microscopic and
> intermediate scale is foreseen.
> Candidate
> The candidate has strong solid state physics background and must be
> well trained in computerized data
> analysis. He/She will work in strong collaboration with other
> experimentalists (thermodynamics
> measurements, crystallography, etc…) and theorists (ab initio and
> Calphad-Dictra).
> This project is part of a 3 years project funded by the ANR (French
> Research National Agency).
> Application:
> Application (letter of motivation + short CV with a list of
> publications + names and contact information for
> two references) should be sent to: Gilles.Hug@onera.fr
> Dr. Gilles Hug
> BP 72
> 92322 Châtillon
> France
> +33 1 46 73 45 42
> gilles.hug@onera.fr
Received on Mon Sep 25 10:17:43 2006

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