OMNIVIS-2000 (fwd)

Autor: Krzysztof Jan Huebner <>
Data: Tue 15 Feb 2000 - 07:00:43 MET
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.1000215070012.28443B-100000@czapla>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

My apologies if you received this announcement more than once:

                     Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision
                     Hilton Head Island, June 16, 2000.

                 to be held in conjunction with CVPR 2000,

 Chair: Kostas Daniilidis
 GRASP Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania

 Program Committee:
 Y. Aloimonos N. Ahuja Check the page for Omnidirectional Vision
 T. Boult M. Hebert
 A. Hicks H. Ishiguro
 T. Kanade T. Pajdla
 S. Nayar V. Nalwa
 S.B. Kang


The objective of this workshop is to promote the ideas of omnidirectional
vision and the interaction among people in this area. The program will
combine works addressing both theory and applications of omnidirectional
visual systems in computer vision as well as biology. The area of
omnidirectional sensing spans the spectrum from rotating cameras to
catadioptric sensors. Omnidirectional sensing might be also concave as is
the case in domes. Their geometrical properties are a challenging open
problem and the applications are expanding from surveillance to navigation
and entertainment. The workshop welcomes any submission with work on (but
not limited to)
 imaging and mirror surfaces sensor designs
 viewing constraints geometry and reconstruction
 calibration image deformations and warping
 motion and stereo navigation
 surveillance panoramic visualization
using an omnidirectional vision system.

Important dates:
 Paper submission: Feb. 22, 2000
 Notification of acceptance: Mar. 15, 2000
 Camera ready submission Mar. 31, 2000
Submission guidelines:

Four copies of a complete paper should be submitted to

Kostas Daniilidis
GRASP Laboratory
University of Pennsylvania
3401 Walnut Street, Suite 336C
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228
Tel: 215 898 8549

The paper should be not longer than eight pages in camera-ready IEEE
2-column format of single-spaced text in 10 point Times Roman. The
usual IEEE styles are provided in the home page. Please avoid
computer-modern-roman fonts to achieve best quality in the
PDF-version. Proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer
Society Press.
Received on Tue Feb 15 07:38:10 2000

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