May 14-17, 2000, Palais des Congrčs, Montreal (Canada)
As you know, we're only a few months away from ISR 2000, AI 2000, GI 2000,
VI 2000, the 10th Annual Conference of PRECARN/IRIS and the Robotics of
Tomorrow Trade Show.
If we have your mailing address in our database, you will be receiving
shortly our detailed Preliminary Program and Registration Information
brochure. Please take note of the advance registration deadline of March
15th and the opportunity to save on your registration fees.
All the information contained in the Preliminary Program brochure and more
is being posted on our web site on an on-going basis. For additional
details or updates on the program, please visit As
of next week, you will be able to register on-line!
If you would like to receive a copy of the Preliminary Program brochure,
please send us your request by Email (, giving us
your complete mailing address.
We look forward to welcoming you May 14-17, in Montreal. Join us at ISR
2000, the Robotics of Tomorrow Trade Show, Artificial Intelligence (AI
2000), Graphics Interface (GI 2000), Vision Interface (VI 2000) and the 10th
Annual Conference of PRECARN/IRIS. One registration fee gives you access to
all these events!
Helene S. Lamadeleine
Canadian Federation for Robotics
ISR 2000 Secretariat
Received on Tue Feb 15 07:36:55 2000
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