TITLES > > From: karen@uni.masey.ac.nz, @plearn.edu.pl
feldman@rentwes.org.nz > Reply to: [1]lodz-l@man.lodz.pl > Date: 4 Dec
1995 13:44:14 +0100 > Organization: Miejska Siec Komputerowa w Lodzi >
Newsgroups: > [2]lodz.ogolne > Reply to: [3]newsgroup(s) > >-----> NOTE:
Please first read my note which appears below the "Request >for more info
Form." Then, to get more info, just fill out the "Request >for More Info"
form completely and *FAX* or *SMAIL* it back to the company. >You will get
a quick reply via email within 1 business day of receipt of >the info
Please make sure you >return *only* the below form and *no part* of this
message other than the >actual form below. If you do not know how to cut
and paste the below form >onto a fresh clean blank page for faxing, then
you may re-type the below >form, as long as you copy it line for line
*exactly.* This is necessary in >order for them to be able to process the
tremendous number of replies that >they get daily. > >Your fax goes
directly onto their 4.2 gigabyte computer hard drive, not >paper, and all
incoming fax calls are set-up to be *auto-terminated* if >your fax: >1.
has a cover page; >2. is more than one page >3. does not begin with the
"cut here/begin" line from the below form >4. does not end with the "cut
here/end" line from the below form. >
>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >NOTE: Their fax line is open 24 hrs. per
day, but due to thousands of >inquiries coming in per week from potential
new members living overseas, >the easiest time to get through is
Monday-Friday, 9 am - 5 pm EST (New York >Time). If you have trouble
getting through to their fax, just drop the >below form to them via smail
(airmail or first class mail).
>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > > >*------------cut
here/begin-------------------------------------------* >REQUEST FOR MORE
INFO: please return *only* this section (with no cover >page) via 1-page
fax to: > 718-967-1550 in the USA > >or via smail (airmail) to: Magazine
Club Inquiry Center > Att. FREE Catalogue-by-email Dept. > PO Box 990 >
Staten Island NY 10312-0990 > >Sorry, but incomplete forms *will not* be
acknowledged. If you do not >have an email address, or access to one,
they will not be able to help you >until you do have one. If you saw this
message, then you should have one. :) > >Name: >Internet email address:
>Smail home address: >City-State-Zip: >Country: >Work Tel. #: >Work Fax #:
>Home Tel. #: >Home Fax #: > >How did you hear about us (name of person
who referred you or the area of >the internet that you saw us mentioned
in): Referral by Karen Stern. >120495-l > >Name of USA mags you currently
get on the newsstand or in the store: > >Name of USA mags you currently
get on the newsstand or in the store: > >Name of USA mags you currently
get on a subscription basis, through the mail: > >Name of USA mags you
would like price quotes on when we call you: > >Catalogue format desired
(list "1," "2," "3" or "4"): > >*------------cut
here/end--------------------------------------------* > > >Catalogue
Format Options: >1. 19-Part email- can be read by EVERYONE (~525 K
Total). >2. For more advanced computer users: attached text file ~525K -
you > must know how to download an attached text file and then be able to
> open it with your word processor. If in doubt, don't ask for this >
version. This isn't for internet *newbies.* Better to order option 1 >
and spend a few minutes pasting them into one whole text document > with
your word processor, than to waste hours trying to figure how > to deal
with this option. >3. For more advanced Macintosh computer users:
compressed attached > text file, created with a Stuffit(tm)
self-extracting archive (.sea), > ~133K. Can be decompressed by any
Macintosh computer user; no > special expansion software or knowledge of
Stuffit (tm) needed. You > just double-click on the file icon and it
automatically expands > (unstuffs). This is for more advanced mac computer
users only, as > you still have to know how to deal with an attached file.
It will cut > your download time by 75%. Expands out to the same ~525K
file in > option #2. See option #2 for more info on what you will need to
be > able to do. >4. For expert computer users: compressed attached text
file, created with > Stuffit(tm), ~114K. Can be decompressed by any
computer user who > has expansion software to decompress (expand)
Stuffit(tm) (.sit) files. > This is for more advanced computer users only
and will cut your > download time by 78%. Expands out to the same ~525K
file in option > #2. See option #2 for more info on what you will need to
be able to do. > > > >Hi fellow 'netters, > >My name is Karen Stern and I
recently started using a magazine subscription >club in the USA that has a
FREE 1 yr. magazine subscription deal with your >first paid order- and I
have been very pleased with them. They have over >1,500 different USA
titles that they can ship to any country on a >subscription basis. As for
computer magazines from the USA, they more of >a selection than I ever
knew even existed. They have magazines for most >every area of interest
in their list of 1,500 titles. > >Within the USA, for their USA members,
they are cheaper than all their >competitors and even the publishers
themselves. This is their price >guarantee. > >Overseas, on the average,
they are generally around one-fourth to one-half >of what the newsstands
overseas charge locally for USA magazines. On some >titles they are as
little as one-tenth of what the newsstands charge. They >feel that
mgazines should not be a luxury overseas. In the USA, people >buy
magazines and then toss them after reading them for just a few minutes >or
hours. They are so cheap in the USA! Well, this company would like to
>make it the same way for their overseas members. They are also cheaper
>than all their competitors in the USA and overseas, including the
>publishers themselves! This is their price guarantee. Around one-half
>their business comes from overseas, so they are very patient with new
>members who only speak limited English as a 2nd language. > >Their prices
are so cheap because they deal direct with each publisher and >cut-out all
the middlemen. > >They will send you their DELUXE EMAIL CATALOGUE (around
525K-big and >juicey) !)...if you completely fill out the form above. It
has lists of >all the freebies, lists of all the titles they sell, titles
broken down by >categories and detailed descriptions on nearly 1,200 of
the titles that >they sell. > >Please do not email me as I am just a happy
customer and a *busy* student. >I don't have time to even complete my
thesis in time, let alone run my >part-time software business! Please
fill out the above form and carefully >follow the intructions above to get
it to them via fax or smail. > >They guarantee to beat all their
competitors' prices. Sometimes they are >less than half of the next best
deal I have been able to find and other >times, just a little cheaper -
but I have never found a lower rate yet. >They assured me that if I ever
do, they will beat it. > >They have been very helpful and helped me with
all my address changes as I >haved moved from one country to another. >
>They have a deal where you can get a free 1 yr. sub to a new magazine
from >a special list of over 295 popular titles published in the USA.
They will >give you this free 1 yr. sub when you place your first paid
order with them >to a renewal or new subscription to any of the over 1,500
different popular >USA titles they sell. > >They can arrange delivery to
virtually any country and I think they have >clients in around 45 or 46
countries now. Outside the USA there is a >charge for FPH (foreign
postage and handling) (on both paid and freebie >subs) that varies from
magazine to magazine. I have found their staff to >be very friendly and
courteous. They even helped me with an address change >when I moved from
one country to another. > >The owner thinks of his service as a "club" and
his clients as "members" >(even though there is no extra fee to become a
member - your first purchase >automatically makes you a member) and he is
real picky about who he accepts >as a new member. When he sets you up as
a new member, he himself calls >you personally on the phone to explain how
he works his deal, or sometimes >he has one of his assistants call. He is
kind of quirky sometimes - he >insists on setting up new members by phone
so he can say hi to everyone (I >sure wouldn't want to have his phone
bills!), but you can place future >orders (after your first order) via
E-mail. > >He has some really friendly young ladies working for him, who
seem to know >just as much as he does about this magazine stuff. If you
live overseas, >he will even call you there, as long as you are
interested, but I think he >still makes all his overseas calls on the
weekends, I guess cause the long >distance rates are cheaper then. > >He
only likes to take new members from referrals from satisfied existing
>members and he does virtually no advertising. When I got set-up, they
had >a 2-3 week waiting list for new members to be called back so that
they >could join up. (Once you are an existing member, they help you
immediately >when you call. ) I think they are able to get back to
prospective new >members the same day or within a few days now, as they
have increased >their staff. I am not sure about this.........but if you
email the above >form to them, that is the way to get started! > >They
will send you their DELUXE EMAIL CATALOGUE (around 525K-big and >juicey)
!)...if you completely fill out the form above. It has lists of >all the
freebies, lists of all the titles they sell, titles broken down by
>categories and detailed descriptions on nearly 1,200 of the titles that
>they sell. > >They then send you email that outlines how his club works
and the list of >free choices that you can choose from, as well as the
entire list of what >he sells; and then they will give you a quick (3-5
minute) friendly, >no-pressure no-obligation call to explain everything to
you personally and >answer all your questions. > >Once you get in, you'll
love them. I do. > > >Sincerely, > >Karen Stern > > >ps. please forward a
copy of this message to all your friends on the net >who you think might
be interested in it! It is a great deal! If you join >and then they join
after you, you will earn a free 1 yr. subscription for >each new person
you get to join after you join! If you exceed 25 >referrals, they let you
use them to give away as gifts, for Christmas, >Chanukah or any other
occasion. Please be kind enough to mention my name >when you join. I
will then get a free magazine for a year for referring >you. >Thank you.
Received on Tue Dec 5 18:44:27 1995
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