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Re: [WINNT] Win 10, 64 czy 33 Bit?

Subject: Re: [WINNT] Win 10, 64 czy 33 Bit?
From: "Grzegorz Niemirowski" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2018 22:41:13 +0200
Olek <> napisał(a):
No to weźmy prawdziwy przypadek z wątku obok - chcemy się dowiedzieć o co chodzi z tym czasem plików w systemach FAT i NTFS.
W Linuksie, po wpisaniu man mount dostajemy
Mount options for fat
tz=UTC This option disables the conversion of timestamps between local time (as used by Windows on FAT) and UTC (which Linux uses internally). This is particularly useful when mounting devices (like digital cameras) that are set to UTC in order to avoid the pitfalls of local time.
Set offset for conversion of timestamps from local time used by FAT to UTC. I.e., minutes will be subtracted from each timestamp to convert it to UTC used internally by Linux. This is useful when the time zone set in the kernel via settimeofday(2) is not the time zone used by the filesystem. Note that this option still does not provide correct time stamps in all cases in presence of DST - time stamps in a different DST setting will be off by one hour.
Czy pod Windows jest to wszystko też tak wyczerpująco lokalnie opisane?
Wg mnie bez dostępu do internetu i googla się nie obejdzie.

Oczywiście, że nie jest. Pod Linuksem też nie jest. Żaden system operacyjny nie ma lokalnej pomocy tak rozbudowanej żeby googlanie nie było potrzebne. Nie miałoby to sensu. Nie widzę tutaj specjalnej różnicy między Windowsem i Linuksem. Z mana do mount możesz się dowiedzieć o czasach w FAT i NTFS bo akurat polecenie mount ma opcje tz i time_offset. Czyli szczęśliwy zbieg okoliczności. Niczego to nie dowodzi. Jeśli porównujemy natomiast many pod względem szczółowości, to wyglądają podobnie. Weźmy fragment man mount z PowerShella:

-Persist [<SwitchParameter>]
   Creates a Windows mapped network drive. Mapped network drives are saved
    in Windows on the local computer. They are persistent, not session-spe
   cific, and can be viewed and managed in File Explorer and other tools.

   The name of the drive must be a letter, such as D or E. The value of th
   e Root parameter must be a UNC path to a different computer. The value
   of the PSProvider parameter must be FileSystem.

   To disconnect a Windows mapped network drive, use the Remove-PSDrive cm
   dlet. When you disconnect a Windows mapped network drive, the mapping i
   s permanently deleted from the computer, not just deleted from the curr
   ent session.

   NOTE: Mapped network drives are specific to a user account. Mapped netw
   ork drives that you create in sessions that are started with the "Run a
   s administrator" option or with the credential of another user are not
   visible in session that started without explicit credentials or with  t
   he credentials of the current user.

-PSProvider <String>
   Specifies the Windows PowerShell provider that supports drives of this

   For example, if the  drives is associated with a network share or file
   system directory, the Windows PowerShell provider is "FileSystem". If t
   he drive is associated with a registry key, the provider is "Registry".

   Temporary Windows PowerShell drives can be associated with any Windows
   PowerShell provider. Mapped network drives can be associated only with
   the FileSystem provider.

   To see a list of the providers in your Windows PowerShell session,  use
    the Get-PSProvider cmdlet.

Tak więc nie kupuję teorii, że wiedza o Windows jest ukryta celowo żeby dać zarobić szkoleniowcom. Jest to z resztą absurdalne, bo żaden przeciętny użytkownik za szkolenie nie zapłaci.

Grzegorz Niemirowski

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