w2kpro,emule i WS2_32.dll

Autor: 1634Racine <1634_at_Racine.pl>
Data: Wed 25 Mar 2009 - 15:43:31 MET
Message-ID: <gqdfvt$1uk$1@inews.gazeta.pl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

usiluje zmienic/uaktualnic na nowsza wersje emule morphxt, dostaje przy
instalacji komunikat stopujacy ją, że:
    "nie odnaleziono pktu wejscia procedury freeaddrinfo w bibliotece

- a biblioteka WS2_32.dll w w2k jest, poza tym poprzednia wersja emule
odpala sie bez problemu.
O co chodzi?

Wg. mnie rada jest tutaj, ale nie do konca wiem,jak ja wykorzystac:
Piszą tutaj tak:
"...The freeaddrinfo function was added to the Ws2_32.dll on Windows XP and
later. To execute an application using this function on earlier versions of
Windows (Windows 2000, Windows NT, and Windows Me/98/95), then you must
include the Ws2tcpip.h file and also include the Wspiapi.h file. When the
Wspiapi.h include file is added, the freeaddrinfo function is defined to the
WspiapiFreeAddrInfo inline function in the Wspiapi.h file. At runtime, the
WspiapiFreeAddrInfo function is implemented in such a way that if the
Ws2_32.dll or the Wship6.dll (the file containing freeaddrinfo in the IPv6
Technology Preview for Windows 2000) does not include freeaddrinfo, then a
version of freeaddrinfo is implemented inline based on code in the Wspiapi.h
header file. This inline code will be used on older Windows platforms that
do not natively support the freeaddrinfo function.
The FreeAddrInfoW function is the Unicode version of freeaddrinfo. The
FreeAddrInfoW function was added to the Ws2_32.dll in Windows XP with
Service Pack 2 (SP2). The FreeAddrInfoW function cannot be used on versions
of Windows earlier than Windows XP with SP2"

Tzn. najkrocej co mam wykonac w praktyce w w2k...?
Received on Wed Mar 25 15:45:06 2009

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.8 : Wed 25 Mar 2009 - 16:42:01 MET