Re: Jak zabezpieczyc dyski USB

Autor: Kamikazee <>
Data: Mon 21 Jul 2008 - 17:10:51 MET DST
Message-ID: <g628tr$b1q$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2; format=flowed

eth_0 pisze:
>> Nie spełnia założeń, które zamieścił autor wątku.
> Jakich?

"zeby w dowolnym komputerze z Windowsem nie byl do odczytania bez podania
hasla ani instalowania dodatkowego softwareu?"

> Przypomnę że truecrypta mozna uzywać bez instalowania go :)

Jesteś w błędzie.

Using TrueCrypt Without Administrator Privileges

In Windows, a user who does not have administrator privileges can use
TrueCrypt, but only after a
system administrator installs TrueCrypt on the system. The reason for that is
that TrueCrypt needs
a device driver to provide transparent on-the-fly encryption/decryption, and
users without
administrator privileges cannot install/start device drivers in Windows.

After a system administrator installs TrueCrypt on the system, users without
privileges will be able to run TrueCrypt, mount/dismount any type of TrueCrypt
volume, load/save
data from/to it, and create file-hosted TrueCrypt volumes on the system.
However, users without
administrator privileges cannot encrypt/format partitions, cannot create NTFS
volumes, cannot
install/uninstall TrueCrypt, cannot change passwords/keyfiles for TrueCrypt
cannot backup/restore headers of TrueCrypt partitions/devices, and they cannot
run TrueCrypt in 'traveler' mode.

Kamikazee Site -
Received on Mon Jul 21 17:15:16 2008

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.8 : Mon 21 Jul 2008 - 17:42:02 MET DST