Re: Pozycje ikonek

Autor: dziobu <>
Data: Mon 30 Oct 2006 - 09:01:36 MET
Message-ID: <ei4bh1$36h$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2; format=flowed

Dnia 10/30/2006 8:17 AM, Użytkownik Dominik & Co napisał:
> I teraz pytanko do znawców: da się coś takiego uczynić w 2K?

Jak nie znajdziesz to polecam to:

Save Desktop Icon Placement

Ever use Safe Mode? Ever use Safe Mode with a lot of desktop
icons? Bummer, huh? But there's a fix. Simply go to
rver-Post_Installation/ and download LAYOUT.DLL and
LAYOUT.REG. Put layout.dll in \Windows\System (Windows 9x) or
\Windows\System32 (NT4, Win2K) and merge layout.reg by right-
clicking the file and choosing Merge from the context menu.

What you'll get is two new entries on the context menu for
desktop system icons like My Computer and My Documents. These
entries are Save Desktop Icon Layout and Restore Desktop Icon
Layout. So just right-click My Computer, save your layout, and
whenever you need to, restore it just as easily. Don't forget
to save them right away and whenever you make a change.

Ja dodam tylko że to działa i nie miewałem z tym żadnych problemów.

Pozdrawiam                                       | _ \| __|/ __|/ __|
Paweł Konarski                                   |  _/| __|\__ \\__ \
k p a w e l @ o n e t . p l                      |_|  | __|\___/\___/
Received on Mon Oct 30 09:05:09 2006

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.8 : Mon 30 Oct 2006 - 09:42:04 MET