Re: KB911567

Autor: sTav <>
Data: Mon 24 Apr 2006 - 02:43:06 MET DST
Message-ID: <e2h6vr$o6j$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-2"

W artykule news:e2gg3f$4h9$,
niejaki(a): Eneuel Leszek Ciszewski z adresu
<prosze@czytac.fontem.lucida.console> napisał(a):

> Nie licząc łat (bo nie mam jak ich policzyć z wiadomego powodu)

WinUpdatesList displays the list of all Windows updates (Service Packs
and Hotfixes) installed on your local computer. For hotfix updates, this
utility also displays the list of files updated with these hotfixes.

This utility works on Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, and Windows
XP. On Windows 98/ME, some columns are not displayed, because the related
information is not stored in the Registry as in Windows 2000/XP.


 /-/ Mariusz
Received on Mon Apr 24 02:45:12 2006

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.8 : Mon 24 Apr 2006 - 03:42:04 MET DST