A problem on NTP config

Autor: Fairy <pest9998_at_hotmail.com>
Data: Mon 22 Aug 2005 - 03:17:19 MET DST
Message-ID: <deb974$nun@netnews.net.lucent.com>

When I config the Windows 2000 as NTP client, the time can not be
syncronized. The error message is:
Attemp to set time which differs more than 12 hours aborted.

The NTP server is solaris, and I can syncronize the time between two solaris

My method as following:

Can you help me? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Received on Mon Aug 22 03:25:16 2005

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.8 : Mon 22 Aug 2005 - 03:42:04 MET DST