Re: jakie oprogramowanie spelnia takie wymagania?

Autor: Tomasz Onyszko <>
Data: Mon 11 Apr 2005 - 20:15:22 MET DST
Message-ID: <d3eesr$2n1$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2; format=flowed

Ziemek Borowski wrote:
> Tomasz Onyszko na
>>>4. monitorowanie liczby licencji w porównaniu z tym co aktualnie jest
>>>zainstalowane na komputerach
> Czegoś nie kojarzę? (tj. modułu asset management w SMS-ie out-of-box
> to raczej nie ma i widziałem raczej dopisywanie sobie zbliżonej
> funkcjonalnosći).

A ja tam panie nie wiem

# Application usage monitoring. Summary and detail reports can be
generated specifying which applications were used by users, how long
they were used, and on which managed systems they were used. Usage can
be tracked by user or computer, and reports can be created around
concurrent usage data.
# Granular software inventory file level searching. Now you can
configure SMS 2003 to provide you with the asset discovery you need--to
the level that you need.
# Detailed hardware inventory. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
enhancements allow improved client-side performance during inventory
scans and provide a richer set of inventory data, including BIOS and
chassis enclosure data.
# Web-enabled reporting. More than 120 pre-built reports are included,
covering hardware and software inventory as well as computer status and
software deployment progress.

Tomasz Onyszko [MVP]
Received on Mon Apr 11 20:20:23 2005

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.8 : Mon 11 Apr 2005 - 20:42:02 MET DST