Re: Community w CDP

Autor: Michal W. <>
Data: Wed 30 Jan 2008 - 11:42:51 MET
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2

> Komuch wrote:

Urocza xywa ;) Mowisz-masz.

 remarks: ===================================================
 remarks: BGP community support: bgp(at)
 remarks: ---------------------------------------------------
 remarks: <<< Communities used in AS12968 >>>
 remarks: ---------------------------------------------------
 remarks: communities for specific link are 12968:a(b)01x
 remarks: x=6 for "do not advertise"
 remarks: x=1,2 for "prepend 1,2 times"
 remarks: 12968:101x ATMAN
 remarks: 12968:201x WIX/GIX
 remarks: 12968:301x ASTERIX
 remarks: 12968:401x TPSA
 remarks: 12968:501x Deutsche Telekom
 remarks: 12968:601x Tiscali
 remarks: 12968:801x Teleglobe
 remarks: 12968:901x Level3
 remarks: 12968:1001x PL-IX
 remarks: 12968:1101x AC-X
 remarks: ----------------------------------------------------
 remarks: <<< Communities applied at ingress >>>
 remarks: ----------------------------------------------------
 remarks: 12968:10 ATMAN
 remarks: 12968:20 WIX/GIX
 remarks: 12968:30 ASTERIX
 remarks: 12968:40 TPSA
 remarks: 12968:50 Deutsche Telekom
 remarks: 12968:60 Tiscali
 remarks: 12968:80 Teleglobe
 remarks: 12968:90 Level3
 remarks: 12968:100 PL-IX
 remarks: 12968:110 AC-X
 remarks: 12968:180 Technical University of Silesia
 remarks: 12968:181 TASK
 remarks: 12968:182 TK Telekom
 remarks: 12968:183 Dialog Telecom
 remarks: 12968:184 TKP SA
 remarks: 12968:200 Polish routes
 remarks: 12968:210 Foreign routes
 remarks: 12968:220 Public peerings
 remarks: 12968:300 Crowley Customer's routes
 remarks: ---------------------------------------------------
 remarks: <<< Blackhole community >>>
 remarks: ---------------------------------------------------
 remarks: 12968:999 - blackhole (discard) traffic
 remarks: Traffic destined for any prefixes tagged with this
 remarks: community will be discarded at ingress to the
 remarks: Crowley network. The prefix must be one permitted
 remarks: by the customer's existing ingress BGP filter.
 remarks: bgp(at) may need to be contacted to allow
 remarks: in some cases.
 remarks: ===================================================

Michal W.
Received on Wed Jan 30 11:45:06 2008

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.8 : Wed 30 Jan 2008 - 12:40:06 MET