Autor: Jaroslaw Rafa (
Data: Tue 03 Jul 2001 - 14:38:07 MET DST
Dnia 3 Jul 01 o godz. 1:18, rnaefc napisal(a):
> Czytałem niedawno w internecje taki artukół w którym było coś takiego:
> "Z chwilą zatwierdzenia przez ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
> and Numbers) nowych domen najwyższego poziomu domenowa gorączka, porównywana
> do gorączki złota, rozgorzeje na nowo. "
> Czy wiecie może o jakie nowe domeny tu chodzi ? W artykule nie było to
> wyjaśnione... alebo ja źle czytałem.
Poniewaz nie wszyscy na tej grupie sa na liscie mailowej ICANN, a informacja
jest istotna, to pozwalam sobie zacytowac:
Two New Top-Level Domains for the Internet: .biz and .info
Marina del Rey, California, USA (26 June 2001) -- The Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) today announced that
the first two of the recently authorized top-level domain names for the
Internet - .biz and .info - will be operational tomorrow. These are the
first new global top-level domains (TLDs) since .com and others were
launched in the 1980s.
The .biz and .info TLDs will at first be used just for informational web
sites. These informational sites will be launched by the companies
selected to operate the new TLDs, NeuLevel, Inc.
(<>) and Afilias Limited
(<>). General registration of names ending with
.biz and .info will soon be available through over 90 registrars
accredited by ICANN. Users will be able to reach these new registered
names as early as September, 2001.
"This is an historical milestone for the Internet community and for
ICANN," said M. Stuart Lynn, President and CEO of ICANN. "It
successfully benchmarks what has been a thoughtful community process
over the past year." ICANN is responsible for coordinating the
development of Internet policy for introducing new global TLDs.
The U.S. Department of Commerce promptly accepted ICANNłs recommendation
yesterday to add the new TLDs. Under the Memorandum of Understanding
that governs the gradual transition of Internet coordination
responsibilities to ICANN, the Commerce Departmentłs approval is still
required for adding TLDs but was not required for the agreements
themselves between ICANN and NeuLevel or Afilias.
These two new global TLDs are the first of seven approved by the ICANN
Board of Directors last November. Agreements still remain to be signed
for the remaining five top-level domains: .name, .pro, .aero, .coop, and
Lynn noted these first steps took several months because of the need to
introduce new global TLDs in a measured and responsible manner with as
little risk as possible. "We are breaking new ground," he added. "We are
responsible for ensuring long-term Internet stability and minimizing
risk. ICANNłs seal of authenticity on these new TLDs guarantees they
will work properly for every Internet user from wherever they are."
NeuLevel, Afilias, and the operators of the other potential top-level
domain registries have worked through these extended processes in
partnership with ICANN and the Internet community. "We are excited
about the launch of the new TLDs," noted Douglas Armentrout, CEO of
NeuLevel. "We look forward to building .biz for businesses on the net."
"We can expect that these new top level domains will pioneer the way for
others to come," added Hal Lubsen, President of Afilias. "Stability is
paramount for the Internet."
Over the coming months, ICANN will evaluate the performance of these
seven new top-level domains as a "proof of concept." This evaluation
will inform the ICANN Board of Directors to guide future steps. Besides
technical performance, these evaluations will also address practical and
administrative issues such as methods for providing adequate protection
for trademark interests to inhibit cybersquatting.
A jezeli kogos interesuje po kolei cala historia, skad sie te domeny wziely,
to niech poczyta:
i wreszcie:
To tyle autoreklamy ;-)
Jaroslaw Rafa
To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Wed 19 May 2004 - 16:51:37 MET DST