Ustawa antyspamowa w Kongresie od 500$ do 50.000 $ za kazdy spamowy post naruszajacy ustawe

Autor: Dariusz (
Data: Fri 30 Mar 2001 - 01:19:09 MET DST

The Federal Trade Commission would be given the
authority to bring action
                  against spam senders who violate the provisions of the
legislation. Internet
                  service providers could also sue spammers in federal
court for $500 per
                  message, up to $50,000, if a spammer willfully breaks
the anti-spamming law.

                  The bill, having passed the House Committee on Energy
and Commerce, is now
                  clear for a floor vote.

To archiwum zostało wygenerowane przez hypermail 2.1.7 : Wed 19 May 2004 - 16:46:13 MET DST