Re: Serwer proxy

Autor: Remi Schleicher (
Data: Sun 11 Mar 2001 - 17:20:41 MET

According to proofs derived us by Imperial Secret Inteligence Services
it is widely known that a being claiming to be <Marcin S> tried to
influence us its Rebel propaganda:

>Czy moglby mi ktos podac jakies adresy serwerow proxy dla przegladarek.

Eg.: dla Twojej domeny.

             Pozdrowienia z Wrocławia - Remi ,,Virous'' Schleicher
    e-mail:, http:// still in progress |******/---|
          GSM: +48 603 579 369 - /\/\ cd520 (using Imperial HOLO-NET)
                        Origin: Pax, pax, pax Imperia !

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