Autor: Marcin Frankowski (
Data: Wed 03 Jan 2001 - 10:29:15 MET
SLVLIPS wrote:
> Anna, as soon as you get back,
Don't worry, she's not getting back - she's staying with me.
> I am going file charges on you for using our AOL
> with out our permission.
Shit! And I am going to file charges against you for using our pl. news
groups without our permission.
> You think you are smart, I have recorded every
> message that you have sent.
My, she must be really in deep shit right now.
> I have also contacted AOL and have informed them of
> what you have been doing, this is a Federal CRIME. Un authorized use of
> interstate communication.
No shit? And what if she was authorised to use interstate communication?
And what body can authorise sb. to use interstate communication?
Oh well, you can't really do anything to us, we are protected by the
Sovereignity Principle and a few thousand kilometres of ocean :->
-- ___ |\ /| | Marcin Frankowski | \/ | |-- marcinf -at- | | | strona antyspamowa: (uwaga: adres w nagłówku jest antyspamowy, poprawny jest w podpisie)
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