History of internet in poland

Autor: francis (francis_at_hgb-leipzig.de)
Data: Wed 05 Aug 1998 - 20:57:38 MET DST

Dear friends

since a few weeks I'm reading You mailinglist, most of that I can't
understand, because of not speaking Polish. But the few words I've
understood, make me feel, that I'm not absolutely out of topic and that
there must be somebody of You, who can help me.

I'm writing a students homework about internet and arts in Poland. I've
found some nice artpages and have some imagination, what to write about.
Now I am looking for a person, who could answer me some questions about the
beginning of internet in Poland, and the first use of internet especially in
Your country.

It would be great if You could suggest such a person to me, or if You would
like to answer yourself. Maybe there are also sources, that I haven't found
until now and You like to suggest me.

my e-mail adress is francis_at_hgb-leipzig.de, You could send it there or post
it to the mailinglist, I'm going on to read it.

Thank You for Your help


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