Polish Land Reclamation Available

Autor: James (75204.2213_at_CompuServe.COM)
Data: Wed 10 Jul 1996 - 01:10:11 MET DST


Former Polish residents are now able to reclaim land and buildings that
were once owned by them, or their families, in Poland. Hundreds of
thousands of former Polish residents were displaced as a result of the
Second World War. Many of these residents were forced to abandon
everything thing they owned in order to survive. Now the property that
they left behind can be reclaimed either directly or with the assistance
of a third party.

Mondex Corporation of Toronto, Canada, is assisting former residents
of Poland reclaim such land. James Palmer, President says "It gives
me great pleasure to be in a position to assist former Polish residents
reclaim what is rightfully theirs...We have been approached by a number
of families whose parents held land in Poland. Some of these families
have documents to verify their claim while others do not. Regardless,
we are able to help those who wish to recover property that rightfully
belongs to their family".

Property is typically returned to the owners in the condition as on the
day it is returned. Owners do not have the right to compensation
to have the property restored to the condition when expropriated. Other
terms and conditions apply to which Mondex Corporation is available to
advise family members.

For further information contact James Palmer, at Telephone (416) 972-1877,
Fax (416) 972-6263 or by email 75204.2213_at_compuserve.com or by mail to
Mondex Corporation, 2 St Clair Avenue West, Suite 801, Toronto, Canada
M4V 1L5. ˙

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