Autor: Szymon Sokol (
Data: Wed 13 Mar 1996 - 14:30:32 MET
Grzegorz Mielcarek ( wrote:
: Jest Eudora, WinPMail for Windows i obsluguja protokol POP3.
: Interesuje mnie jaki software pracuje pod DOS z protokolem POP3.
Popmail, NuPOP, Minuet... osobiscie polecam NuPOP, jest calkiem
-- Szymon Sokol -- Network Manager U U M M M M University of Mining and Metallurgy, Computer Center U U MM MM MM MM ave. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, POLAND U U M M M M M M M M TEL. +48 (12) 172894 FAX +48 (12) 338907 UUUU M M M M M M WWW page:
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