Autor: Tomasz Puchalski (
Data: Mon 04 Dec 1995 - 01:36:24 MET
>* Grzegorz Wrobel, PL.LISTSERV.POLIP (Sat Dec 02 1995):
> GW> Rogers Communications Inc., Canada's largest cable TV firm, announces
> GW> 500,000 bps Internet access via cable, at a flat charge of $39.95 per
> GW> month, modem included. The service, to be called Rogers Wave, will
> GW> initially be available in Newmarket, Ontario, a bedroom community
> GW> North of Toronto, serviced by Rogers cable. There will be an
> GW> installation service charge of $99.
> To ja się tam przenoszę! NATYCHMIAST!
Nie spiesz sie tak...zobacz inny posting.
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