Autor: Grzegorz Wrobel (
Data: Sat 02 Dec 1995 - 13:39:48 MET
Tak a propos dyskusji o cenach Internetu w Polsce i niedawnej dyskusji
o sieci przez telewizje kablowa - przesylam dosyc chyba ciekawa informacje
z Kanady. Komentarza nie zalaczam, bo byl niecenzuralny ....
Grzegorz Wrobel
Z gory przepraszam wszytskich, ktorych ta ciekawostka zdenerwuje :-)
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Rogers Communications Inc., Canada's largest cable TV firm, announces
500,000 bps Internet access via cable, at a flat charge of $39.95 per
month, modem included. The service, to be called Rogers Wave, will
initially be available in Newmarket, Ontario, a bedroom community
North of Toronto, serviced by Rogers cable. There will be an
installation service charge of $99.
Rogers believes this to be the first commercial service to link home
computers into the Internet via the existing cable TV connection in
the home. This move was preceded by the Canadian Initial Public
Offering for iStart Internet Inc., which jumped 48% during its first
day of trading yesterday. And tomorrow Bell Canada, Canada's largest
telephone company, will announce its residential Internet access
Rogers planned roll-out is relatively modest. They hope to have
between 200 and 300 subscribers by the end of this year, with
service to be more generally available across Ontario in 1996. By
1997, the plan calls for nationwide availability through a
cooperative consortium involving Shaw Communications of Calgary and
Groupe Videotron on Montreal.
This appears to be an initial testing of the commercial waters
following an ambitious multi-vendor home interconnect field trial.
The speed of roll-out will depend on a combination of the level of
public interest and the speed with which Rogers can upgrade its cable
plant. Regulatory authorities have not "spoken", nor is it clear that
they can or will speak on this service.
This new interconnect service does promise a level of Internet
access, at a price point, that is an order of magnitude more
attractive than current alternatives. As a point of comparison, ISDN
Internet access at 128,000 bps is available, for businesses, at a
charge of $1,000 per month.
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