Autor: Wojciech Myszka (
Data: Fri 13 Oct 1995 - 20:10:08 MET
] Czy ktos wie jak mozna zrobic wydruk z Unix'a na drukarce podlaczonej do PC?
] Metoda dowolna. Dobrze byloby gdyby PC mogl byc prymitywny (najlepiej XT
] bez klawiatury i monitora).
Z bardzo starego dokumentu faq grupy comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc.
PPRD - LPD server for DOS v0.98
This turns an DOS machine to a dedicated LPD print server. It can handle
up to 3 parallel ports. Serial printers can be handled by running
LPTCOM, a TSR to divert parallel port output to a serial port.
This can run on an 8088 machine with only a floppy drive. To enhance
security, the client and server must be on the same subnet.
It is available from:
Downright Speculation
LPD Free
FTP and BOOTP server included
This software is a freeware line printer daemon as
well as an FTP and BOOTP server. Available via,
Downright Speculation
WinLPD Free
An lpd implementation for Windows.
Available at:
*Downright Speculation
AIR Series 3.0
50% discount on tradein of another package
AIR Mosaic $29.95
This includes Telnet, FTP (integrated with File Manager), tn3270, NFS,
Mosaic, SMTP, News, Gopher, and FTP/RCP servers, LPR, LPD, ImageView,
UUCode, X-Windows, SNMP, PPP, NetBIOS support, on-demand dial.
A demo version of AIR Mosaic is available via:
Spry Inc.; 316 Occidental Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98104; (206)447-0300,
(800)777-9638, ext. 44, fax: (206)447-9008,,
The Wollongong Group's PathWay Access
A family of complete IP Services for DOS/Windows, Macintosh, OS/2, and VMS
systems, as well as SNMP and X-400/X-500 products. Wollongong has been
providing IP solutions for over 14 years.
PathWay Access for DOS/Windows 3.0 - This product has been significantly
enhanced with the majority of changes being to the Windows applications,
emulations and remote access. Integrated into Windows, the
applications are Windows Sockets compatible. Support for all NOS, extensive
DBMS and third party support.
VT100-220, VT320-330, VT240-340, 3270 mods 2-5, 3179g, tek4010-4105, drag
& drop FTP client/server, LPR/LPD/IPR, NetBIOS, NDIS/ODI/PDS/ASI,
SLIP/CSLIP/PPP/X.25, MIB2 SNMP agent, Scripting, Graphical Remapping, NFS,
SMTP/IMAP/POP(MIME), NetNews reader.
Pricing: Many different pricing schemes exist for these products based on
customer requirements, from shrink-wrap bundles to expandable licenses that
can be added to in any number, with discounts based on accrued amount
Aggressive educational discounts and trade-up pricing are offered.
PathWay Access (Single User-DOS/Windows or Mac) - $350
Client NFS module - $95
API - $200
Technically supported evaluations are provided free of charge to qualified
individuals. Also offered is a demonstration disk tour of PathWay Access
free and yours to keep.
The Wollongong Group; 1129 San Antonio Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94303;
800-872-8649 (Outside Cal), 800-962-8649 (In Cal), (519)747-9900
(Canada), +31 2503-24142 (Europe), (415)962-7134,
Z jeszcze starszego dokumentu: "Features of TCP/IP Packages for DOS and
Windows" wykaz pakietow i ich mozliwosci:
Section 7. Utilities
Many packages have other utilities. Yes, this selection is somewhat
ID ping lpr lpd finger talk whois (rdate) rcp rsh rexec stats
--------- ---- --- --- ------ ---- ----- -------- --- --- ----- -----
PCTCP y y y y n y y y y y y
Chameleon y y y y n y n n n n y
Super-TCP y e e y y n n y y y y
IBM/DOS y y y y n n y y y y y
BW y y y y y y y y y n y
Distinct y y
PathWay y y y n n n y y n n
PC-NFS y (3) y y n y y y y n y
LWPD y y n y y n n y y y y
HP y n n n n n n y y n n
NCSATel (1) y n y n n y n y y n
CUTCP n y n n n n n (2) n n n
QVT/Net n y n n n n n (2) n n n
Ka9q y e? e? y n n n n n n n
WATTCP y y n y n n y n n y
|AIR n y n n n n n (2) n n n
TTCP y y y y y
Lanera y y y y n y y y y y y
Piper y y y y n y y y y y y
Lantastic y y y y n n n y y n ?
|Wolvrine y n n n n n n n n n y
WinNT y y n y n n n y y y y
Trumpet y n n n n n n n n n y
|InetConn y n n y n n n n n n y
Notes: (1) although NCSA Telnet does not come packaged with many
utilities, many are available on various FTP servers.
(2) has an RCP server, but not a client.
(3) printing suported via pcnfsd (in common with most other
Musze sie przyznac, ze nie korzystalem z zadnego z tych programow. Wiem
ze jeden ze znajomych z powodzeniem wykorzystywal serwer lpd z pakietu
PC-NFS. Na pewno powinien dzialac rowniez lpd z pakietu pc/tcp.
NAjlepszym chyba rozwiazaniem bedzie printserwer sprzetowy. Najlepiej
wieloprotokolowy - wowczas "zalatwi" i Unix i Novell. Dostarcza HP -
nie wiem (watpie :-) czy sa tanie. Jest pelno ogloszen w gazetach, ale
nie korzystalem
--- dom:, Wroclaw, Drzewieckiego 18/11, 51-48-58 praca:, Instytut Materialoznawstwa i Mechaniki Technicznej, Politechnika Wroclawska, Smoluchowskiego 25, 20-27-54 finger for public PGP key
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