Autor: Wojciech Myszka (
Data: Mon 17 Jul 1995 - 10:39:41 MET DST
Oto dobra wiadomosc, ktora pojawila sie dzis na liscie dyskusyjnej NASK.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 1995 09:25:28 CET
From: Tomasz Hofmokl <FDL50%PLEARN.BITNET_at_PLEARN.EDU.PL>
To: Multiple recipients of list NASK <NASK_at_PLEARN.EDU.PL>
Z przyjemnoscia przekazuje dobra wiesc, ze lacze ze Sztokholmu do
USA ma zwiekszona przeplywnosc do 34 MB/s
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14 Jul 1995 13:42:05 +0200
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 1995 13:42:05 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Peter Villemoes <Peter.Villemoes_at_nordu.NET>
Subject: 34 Mbit/s link Europe USA now in operation
Sender: neworg-ga-request_at_TERENA.NL
To: ga_at_TERENA.NL
The 34 Mbit/sec link between Stockholm and the USA was put into
operation on Wednesday 12 July, just in time for the IETF
conference in Stockholm starting on Monday.
The link will be used for research as well as for general purpose
traffic and connects NORDUnet at KTH to the NAP in Pennsauken in
the USA. Traffic with the USA measured in Stockholm this Friday
morning was a total of 9.0 Mbit/s from the USA and 3.7 Mbit/s to
the USA.
The 34 Mbit/s link is the result of an extraordinary collaborative
effort by financial responsibles as well as technical specialists
at Tele2, US Sprint and NSF. NORDUnet wishes to express our great
appreciation of these efforts.
Peter Villemoes
NORDUnet A/S, Phone +45 4576 2300
Agern Alle 3, Fax +45 4576 5708
DK 2970 Horsholm
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